Education and Marketing Tools That Allow You To Capture Your Local Spinal Ligament Injury Niche
Eliminate Confusion | Get Better Results | Grow Your Practice
Education and Marketing Tools That Allow You To Capture Your Local Spinal Ligament Injury Niche
Eliminate Confusion | Get Better Results | Grow Your Practice
Simplify Your Understanding
Develop Your Staff
Market Your Message
Put Your Previous Training On Steroids And Get Better Patient Results
You’re a great doctor. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here.
You also a great doctor because you want to be a better doctor. Because you feel that you should be able to do more than treat symptoms. You should be able to really help your patients.
And if you can train your team to be better too, and grow your practice in the process, this would be a huge bonus.
Yes, we became doctors to heal, but we also have mortgages. We also need to feel good about what we do.
Are you with me so far? Good. Here’s what I have in mind.
Spend a Few Hours. Gain Decades of Experience in Less Than a DAY. Simply Stated. All in One Place.
My name is Jeffrey A. Cronk DC JD, and I specialize in spinal ligament injuries. Just like you, I became a doctor so I can help people.
In my 30 years of practice, I’ve learned everything there is to know about the spinal ligament market. And let me tell you, the picture when it comes to great patient results isn’t looking pretty. The perception of the injury market and the care given needs a new look. With you and others like us, we can do this!
The spinal injury market is in an aching need for great doctors, and the statistics prove that. Today research tells us the 50% or more of patients that receive a spinal ligament injury are never going to fully recover the life that they had prior to their injury.
On top of the market’s demand for great practitioners, the medical industry in the 21st century is developing with gigantic moon steps. New approaches, medications, and technologies are always coming out, and most doctors just can’t keep up, YET none of those innovations have improved the results in this market.
I love being a doctor, but I decided to follow my goal of helping as many people as I can. I transitioned into training other practitioners on how to use these tools and technologies to help their patients return to their former selves – or at minimum, do as much as they possibly can to help them.
My mission now is to help you, the spinal injury doctor or chiropractor, improve your understanding of the spinal ligament injury market so you can grow your business and help as many of your patients live the most healthy, pain-free lifestyle they can.
To do this, I’ve created a training series on the topic, and I’ve compiled all pieces into a full-scale course for spinal injury doctors and chiropractors – The Smart Injury Doctors Training Package.
We Need Education to Be Replaced With Understanding and Confusion to be Replaced with Competency
The Best Injury Doctors in the Market Need to Have Their Waiting Rooms Filled
We Accomplish through THREE Simple Steps

Simplify Your Understanding

Develop Your Staff
After you are trained, you’re going to learn how to train and improve your business’ most significant asset – your team. By providing them with your guidance and clear understanding, they’ll feel more confident and more competent every time an injury patient walks inside your office. Your staff will help you to get better patient results, less reimbursement problems and many more injury patient referrals. They spend the most time talking to your patients, so you better train them. The ROI on a well-trained staff is incredible!

Market Your Message
By using our powerful marketing system with pre-made marketing messages, you’re going to take your spine injury practice to a new level. We help you to highlight the new benefits that you now bring to the market an more importantly we help you to control that way your local market perceives you, all in the most cost effective ways possible. Your marketing should attract what you want and repel what you do not want. We want to make sure you’re filling up your waiting room with qualified injury patients, that value your approach so much that they would pay for the care with their own money if they had to.
You Can Purchase Our Programs in Packages and Save Money or Purchase Individually
Simplify Your Understanding – The Solution
The SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram®
Demystify your understanding of spinal ligament injuries and put any personal injury training that you have ever had in the past on steroids. This information empowers providers to the simplicities of a spinal ligament injury. No one cares about the mechanism, the forces and the physics behind these forces, while these things are interesting we care more about and put our actual attention the injuries themselves. How to accurately diagnose them. The best management for better treatment results. How to document so that you can very simply navigate the medical legal system and give everyone what they want, patients, insurers and attorneys. We take complex subjects and make them simple, and we teach you to do the same.
We answer most if not all of the questions that you have in this area of practice. I know them well as I had them too.
The information is easy to access as it is online in short video segments that is logically organized to maximize your understanding. You can view or listen to them on your phone, iPad or computer 24/7.
I have made the cost to access very low as I want you to have this information with little financial impediment or risk. You get everything in this program, valued at $5991.00, for $997.00 and you can save even more when you purchase our information in a package.
However some may just want to take it one step at a time and that’s okay.
All our programs have FREE upgrades for life and all of our programs allow you to become part of a group of like minded clinics in our dedicated closed Facebook User Group.

Simplify Your Understanding – The Solution
.00The SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram®
Demystify your understanding of spinal ligament injuries and put any personal injury training that you have ever had in the past on steroids. This information empowers providers to the simplicities of a spinal ligament injury. No one cares about the mechanism, the forces and the physics behind these forces, while these things are interesting we care more about and put our actual attention the injuries themselves. How to accurately diagnose them. The best management for better treatment results. How to document so that you can very simply navigate the medical legal system and give everyone what they want, patients, insurers and attorneys. We take complex subjects and make them simple, and we teach you to do the same.
We answer most if not all of the questions that you have in this area of practice. I know them well as I had them too.
The information is easy to access as it is online in short video segments that is logically organized to maximize your understanding. You can view or listen to them on your phone, iPad or computer 24/7.
I have made the cost to access very low as I want you to have this information with little financial impediment or risk. You get everything in this program, valued at $5991.00, for $997.00 and you can save even more when you purchase our information in a package.
However some may just want to take it one step at a time and that’s okay.
All our programs have FREE upgrades for life and all of our programs allow you to become part of a group of like minded clinics in our dedicated closed Facebook User Group.

Depositions should be the easiest money you every make and they should be easy for the times that you have to do them. Depositions and court testimony are a way of life for the busy injury practitioner. One great deposition or court trial will start your reputation for being able to handle such events—good or bad.
In all of my programs I train doctors how to diagnose, manage and document in a way that everyone in the market needs often making it so that you are not required in deposition or trial. However there are times when the at fault insurer wants to press such events, remember they need a job as well. When these time arise you want this to be a easy stress free process. You want this to be a situation where you become know to really be able to handle either deposition or trial testimony really well.
With the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram® under your belt and applied this becomes very easy to do. Now you can easily answer questions and give answers that are not you opinion but rather objective facts and the agreed upon consensus around those facts. You now don’t have to argue but just present what everyone agree with and is known. No one can argue with what they agree with so the process becomes very easy.
One great deposition or one great trial can really develop your attorney referral. Some doctors think that being complicated or highly technical with your answers or dancing with professional opinions shows just how educated you are, but really it does not communicated well and often leads to less than desired results.
Replace complexity with simple and you will have a great result. This program has a prerequisite of the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram® as this program is designed to compliment it.
This program is valued at $1997.00 but can be purchased for $497.00 directly or purchased with the savings of a package. Either way it is worth every penny as it really makes this process easy.
All our programs have FREE upgrades for life and all of our programs allow you to become part of a group of like minded clinics in our dedicated closed Facebook User Group.

I have found that most if not all spinal injury centers do not truly understand how improving their staff around them will seriously improve your patients results, increase your internal referrals, reduce your compliance issues, improve your collections and really lessen your work load.
A well trained staff could easily get you two to four new injury referrals a month. The ROI on training staff is incredible.
Your staff are more of an asset then you ever realized if you will just train them. Becoming more competent your self is the first step in getting results. Helping to make the people around you more competent in their jobs can put those results on steroids. People love, admire and are grateful forever to those that improve their competency.
When an injury patient walks into your office, they should feel welcome. They should feel secure that they are in the right place and that comes from building a team.
Understanding every key event and procedure in a injury patients journey to recovery in your clinic needs to be fully understood by everyone in your office. Patients get information from the doctor while in the room, when the doctor leaves, they get questions that they forgot to ask, when the ask any of the staff and get easy to understand answers they KNOW they are in the right place. Doctors your staff spends way more time with your patients than you do. It is not enough that you have achieved greater clarity and excitement on what makes you absolutely unique in the market, its important that they understand as well.
Now you can clearly train your staff to easily implement what you have learned in the Spinal Ligament Injury Expert course.
Get better treatment results, get more internal referrals, systemize your practice and train any new staff member easily.
This program is valued at $5991.00 but can be purchased directly for $997.00. The Prerequisite for the program in the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram®. There are savings to be had when purchased in a package.
All our programs have FREE upgrades for life and all of our programs allow you to become part of a group of like minded clinics in our dedicated closed Facebook User Group.


This program goes hand and hand with the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram® and it allows you to get ahead of the game. Marketing is simple. Marketing is how you are perceived in the market. A marketing strategy is deciding how you want to be perceived in the market. How do you want patients to perceive you, attorneys to perceive you, and issuers to perceive you? That is called marketing. Whatever that message, that perception is that you know patients, medical doctors, attorneys and insurers will want to do business with—that becomes your message. That becomes what you advertise whether you are doing it in person, on social media, radio, TV it doesn’t matter.
Not sure what that message should be—we do as it is the same message that we helped you to establish in all of our materials. Now you have internal office materials, fillable PDF flyers, hundreds of social media posts that include short videos with a unified message—your message. Want to go out to attorneys, medical doctors, physicians assistants, or the public direct—there is a program for each and a message for each.
Every month we deliver new materials and new ways to use these materials in a monthly implementation call with the founder of this program Dr. Cronk. On that monthly call you can now ask any questions about how you use these materials or any clinical implementation questions regarding the whole program. This is essentially a marketing and a group coaching call all combined into one. This is designed for the doctor to be on as well as their staff that helps them with marketing.
We have made this so easy and so affordable. The program is valued at $4997.00 dollars but to make if very accessible and inexpensive we charge just $97.00 a month with no long term contract—stay as long as you like. Most of our doctors stay with this program continuously as it is a shot in the arm every month.
The program is a stand alone program and is not combined in any other package. The prerequisite for this programs success is minimally the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram®. For Maximum results we recommend you have and are implementing the whole SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingPackage® which includes the doctors training, staff training and deposition mastery.
Combine and Save SmartInjuryDoctors
“ipsa scientia potestas est” (‘knowledge itself is power’) Sir Francis Bacon.
9I have found that most if not all spinal injury centers do not truly understand how improving their staff around them will seriously improve your patients results, increase your internal referrals, reduce your compliance issues, improve your collections and really lessen your work load.
A well trained staff could easily get you two to four new injury referrals a month. The ROI on training staff is incredible.
Your staff are more of an asset then you ever realized if you will just train them. Becoming more competent your self is the first step in getting results. Helping to make the people around you more competent in their jobs can put those results on steroids. People love, admire and are grateful forever to those that improve their competency.
When an injury patient walks into your office, they should feel welcome. They should feel secure that they are in the right place and that comes from building a team.
Understanding every key event and procedure in a injury patients journey to recovery in your clinic needs to be fully understood by everyone in your office. Patients get information from the doctor while in the room, when the doctor leaves, they get questions that they forgot to ask, when the ask any of the staff and get easy to understand answers they KNOW they are in the right place. Doctors your staff spends way more time with your patients than you do. It is not enough that you have achieved greater clarity and excitement on what makes you absolutely unique in the market, its important that they understand as well.
Now you can clearly train your staff to easily implement what you have learned in the Spinal Ligament Injury Expert course.
Get better treatment results, get more internal referrals, systemize your practice and train any new staff member easily.
This program is valued at $5991.00 but can be purchased directly for $997.00. The Prerequisite for the program in the SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram®. There are savings to be had when purchased in a package.
All our programs have FREE upgrades for life and all of our programs allow you to become part of a group of like minded clinics in our dedicated closed Facebook User Group.
See What Others Are Saying About My Programs…
“Coming into the personal injury arena, I found that what I knew about spinal ligament injuries was far less than what I thought. Dr. Cronk has opened my eyes to the what I need to know and how to gain the information and knowledge to help my patients. My learning has just started. Thanks Dr. Cronk.”

“Dr Cronk had the information that the chiropractic profession can rally around. No matter your technique every chiropractor should understand the roll of ligament injuries with their patients.”

Good morning Dr. Cronk,
“I would like to say thank you for giving me the knowledge and certainty that I now have regarding what I am actually doing as a chiropractor. I have struggled for years because of this lack of certainty which I'm sure appeared as lack of confidence to my patients. Although I have never been in court, I could see how I would have been destroyed based on what I used to do. Since I have implemented this knowledge, it is very rare that I see an audit or IME while providing extensive course of care. My patient retention has significantly increased as well.”

“Dr. Cronk possesses and amazing amount of knowledge and hands on practical experience when it comes to teaching the importance of spinal ligament injuries. He is a excellent communicator and an engaging presenter. The information that he presents is research driven and evidenced based and he makes it applicable so that can use it as soon as you go back to the office.”

"Since beginning Dr. Cronk's program I have increased over one new PI case per week, by referral, directly from using the materials and information to educate attorneys and patients.
Attorney's are excited to learn that injuries leave a pattern. They are amazed that the exact location and severity of the injury can be determined and shown objectively. What are often called "only soft tissue injuries" are now able to be settled or litigated for the severity of the permanent ligament injury."
Thank you Dr. Cronk,

“This is great material. I wish I would have had the information put together in this easy to understand format years and years ago. I have been practicing since 1994 and just now am beginning to understand how to accurately diagnose the extent of the patients injuries.”

“Since becoming a SmartInjuryDoctor, my knowledge and confidence in the injury arena has grown tremendously in a very short time! Dr. Cronk has assembled an incredible amount of information and presented it in A-Z fashion for doctors to merely plug and play!“

“This information is directly applicable to my practice and will help me to improve as a treating doctor and increase my expertise in the Personal Injury Market. Additionally, if the techniques were universally used, the chiropractic profession would be elevated and garner greater respect in the medical field.”

“Dr. Cronk has the ability to take you out of your complacency and make you realize there is so much more that you can be doing in your practice. I have been in practice 25+ Years and find it’s good to have someone like him come into your life and nudge you to be better; we can all be better and do more in our practice.”

If you feel like you need more information about our programs please take the time to watch and on demand pre-recorded webinar explaining the program in further detail.

Hello, my Name is Jeffrey Alan Cronk and lead a growing group of doctors that are dedicated to improving the US injury market. We call ourselves SmartInjuryDoctors®
We know that injuries can dramatically change a person’s life and therefore we believe only the best doctors should be treating these patients. We strive to be that doctor and we never stop educating ourselves, as being mediocre is not in our DNA.

The SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcast is for doctors, lawyers, insurers, employers and patients that want to contribute to getting much better physical recovery results in the US Spinal Injury Market. We do this by helping to replace complexity with simplicity, confusion with competency in key areas of the current injury market. We publish twice a week. Welcome to our program.
“Everything I do is to Change the INJURY MARKET to a RESULTS based MARKET where the BEST DOCTORS in the Market have a very easy time getting injury patients…”
– Dr. Jeffrey Cronk, DC JD

Meet the Presenter
Dr. Jeffrey Cronk, DC JD, is a nationally recognized spinal ligament expert who has successfully educated hundreds of professionals, both doctors and attorneys, across the nation. He has been a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic for more than 30 years and holds a Juris Doctorate with a special emphasis on Personal Injury Law. Attend his upcoming webinar to take your practice to the next level!
- Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic 30 years
- Treating Doctor for 17 years (Over 5000 new patients, 175,000 plus office visits, over 1,000,000 spinal adjustment delivered
- Developed two National Spinal Ligament Testing Companies
- Director of Education for the Medical Spinal Ligament Testing Company Spinal Kinetics LLC
- Developer and Chief Designer of CRMA® Spinal Ligament Testing System for Spinal Kinetics Board Certified Radiologists
- Publish Spinal Ligament Injury Researcher
- Developed first online Spinal Ligament Injury Training Program for Doctors and Lawyers
- Law Degree completed in 2013
The Spinal Ligament Injury Market Needs Better Doctors

Spinal ligament injuries are the number one cause of acute (injury) and chronic (post injury) pain. All of our education and experts of the past have not resulted in any real progress for these injuries. The statistical outcomes are bleak with research now telling us “while the figures vary depending on the cohort studied, current data indicate that up to 50% of people who experience a whiplash injury will never fully recover and up to 30% will remain moderately to severely disabled by their condition.”
The chronic pain that results from these injuries is at unsustainable epidemic levels in terms of lost quality of life and costs. This means only one thing…there is more to know about these injuries. As matter of fact the spinal ligament injury market is best described as the “blind leading the blind.”
Medicine do not understand them and openly admits that they do not know how to standardly diagnosis them.
Chiropractic stays very misaligned in its approach and therefore hard to understand. The injury patient can go to ten different chiropractic centers and get ten different diagnoses to the level and area of injury.
Too many experts of the past and expert’s of today are short sighted in their approach. The focus of their education is using these injuries to show doctors how to justify and get paid for long and expensive treatment programs that often get less than optimal results.
Their focus is not on teaching how to standardly and objectively diagnose and manage these injuries so that they can get constituently great treatment results which lower the overall market costs.
Worse yet many experts today focus their education on showing their doctors how to use these injuries as a marketing tool to show plaintiff attorneys how to get higher settlements, and make more money so they will refer more patients.
They sell their doctors that they need more extensive education to add to their curriculum vitae’s when really what they need is less education and more understanding, less confusion and more competency.

Doctors Make Documentation, Depositions and Court Trials Too Complicated

We’re doctors – we’re not strangers to adversarial depositions and court trials.
It’s the insurers and the attorney’s job to guarantee you the least pleasurable experience in court so they can end up with their desired result.
These people are trained to confuse you, belittle you, and discredit your claims.
And if you don’t prepare your plaintiff attorney the right way, you could be in for the emotional rollercoaster of your life.
You might believe that explaining in detailed technical terms will do you justice, but it won’t. If your attorney starts saying things in court the same way you explain things to your fellow doctors, two things will happen:
First, nobody will understand what’s being said (and confused people are the last thing you need in a court trial).
Second, you’re going to complicate the entire process which always leads to trouble.
What you need to do is learn how to simplify your message – even when it comes to depositions and court trials. This way, these usually stressful events will start feeling like a piece of cake.
We’ve created a system that will allow you to capture your entire understanding of spinal ligament injuries, and put it into words that even a 10-year-old could understand.
Stop all the Headaches—Train Your Staff
If you want to help a lot of people, you’re going to need help yourself.
Most doctors never really appreciate how valuable their staff is.
But let me tell you this – your staff is spending more time talking to your patients than you are.
Do you feel like your staff is well-prepared to handle any question your patient might have?
Do you feel like your staff is educated enough to tell the difference between injury care and chronic pain care?
Are you completely confident that your staff is dedicated to the well-being and rehabilitation of your patients, instead of just going to work for a paycheck?
If the answer to any of these question is no, you’re hurting your patients, your business, AND your team.
But If you train your staff, they become your business’ most powerful asset. They will bring in referrals, they will improve company morale, and they’ll make all your patients feel safe, secure, and welcome.
If you want your team to be caring and productive, you need to be a leader.
And to be a leader, you have to learn how to lead.

Stop Wasting Your Injury Practice Marketing Resources

When it comes to marketing for personal injury service providers, many practitioners have trouble finding their real marketing voice. The voice that sets them apart from the crowd, makes their patients love them before even seeing them, and loudly displays their strengths and authority over their local market.
The biggest problem that you will have is that your are OBSCURE in the market! Nobody knows who you are or what makes you unique from all of the other noise in the market!
Everyone is trying to follow the latest trends in advertising. But these trends are what everybody else is doing, so it really makes no sense when you’re trying to show that you’re different (and better) than your competitors.
Marketing is nothing more than how you are perceived in the market and in order to excel in any market you have got to have a very strong message which comes from know exactly what your market wants.
This is so easy to do today, yet so many doctors do not know how to do it and they really complicate the process, which of course yield poor results.
Cracking the code for personal injury marketing has already been done and is now available to you.
When You Join Us – This is our Manifesto:

This injury market is way larger than you think it is and if is very underserved in your area. Be the first to bring that SmartInjuryDoctors® to your local market. Watch this video to see just how large this market really is!
Find Out What Other Doctors Are Saying About My Training Programs

“This class shattered the myth that MRI is the end-all-be-all for evaluation and diagnosis of soft tissue injuries. I learned the value of x-ray Flexion/Extension studies to evaluate spine ligament injuries, something which can’t be seen on MRI. Knowing this is paramount for the care of our patients.”

“I have been working with Dr. Cronk for a little while. Recently the light truly went on in my head for the necessity of objective testing to quantify and prove evidence of ligamentous injury and I decided to utilize his services much more frequently. I contacted several of the attorney's I have worked with in the past and have reached out to several new firms and the response and acceptance has been incredible. Dr. Cronk has performed webinars with several of these firms so far and it has brought in a funnel of over a dozen new cases over the past 2 weeks all with the attorneys wanting these studies performed. Our phone has been ringing this week and 3 more have scheduled on top of our other regular PI/WC cases just because of the implementation.”

“With this information you can prove ligament damage and justify MRI studies and treatment that would have normally been considered unnecessary in low impact injury. Highly valuable information for both the doctors and the attorney to understand the true damage that the patient has endured.”

Dr. Cronk:
I wanted to write and thank you for you were presentation of "utilizing guidelines to document and drive your procedures" webinar. It was very informative and useful on multiple counts. Just the definition of guidelines being a finding of consensus and objective will put those that use them in a position of never having to defend their position. They merely have to show that they accurately apply the guidelines in their diagnosis and treatment.

Talk about a game changer!
I’ve been using Dr Cronk’s protocols for a few years now and I can say with certainty that I’ve increased my entire bottom line by 33% ...just from increased injury settlements.
I now get paid close to or ALL of my fees DIRECTLY from the insurance carrier (when there is no attorney involved).
However, when there are attorneys involved, they are “always” pleasantly surprised by how much weight a “documented” spinal ligament injury holds regarding a settlement.
As a result, I’ve made permanent connections with some attorneys in my area as the “go to” doctor not only for patients referred to me for a case but, also, connections with “out of the area” attorneys who send their clients to me for a spinal ligament injury evaluation.
What a feeling it is to know you have the upper hand in most cases regarding these specific injuries, leading to the respect we deserve (particularly as DCs) and fees that are paid without “hassle from the insurance carriers” ...they simply PAY YOUR FEES.
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755
[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700