Technology Will Solve Chronic Pain
What I would like to talk about today is how technology will kill the chronic pain problem in the future. What I mean by that is that technology is going to solve the chronic pain problem in the future, that it will seriously reduce it down. Now for me as a Smart Injury Doctor and trainer, and for you, it will be very easy to understand because we will solve the biggest problem with chronic pain, misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment which is the most common causes of chronic pain.
One of the things that I look at the most right now in the musculoskeletal market is that modern medicine is under-trained in that particular category. Musculoskeletal chronic pain is the most common chronic pain that there is. There is a big educational gap that needs to be filled. One of the ways that we are going to solve this problem is through technology and proper data evaluation. Data evaluation is when you have massive amounts of data that will tell you things that can’t really be discovered any other way. Good data evaluation is completely unprejudiced.
Artificial Intelligence is the emerging new technology of the future. Artificial intelligence is a technology that learns as it goes by collecting and evaluating data. Through data evaluation with artificial intelligence we will be able to determine the condition and which doctor is best for that condition, without prejudice. There are different specialties and conditions will be sectioned into which specialty treats that condition better. The technology will be able to differentiate which providers are the best providers and then it will show which providers treat the specific injury or condition. If a medical doctor is best for chronic neck pain because they can diagnose and exactly pinpoint what is causing the problem, then reduce it, the data will show that. Now if chiropractors are the best for evaluating that diagnosis, getting down to the root cause of it and getting results they will be looked at. Maybe acupuncturists or Physical Therapists will be looked at. Doctors that are good in the market will start to rise to the top, which is where they should be. Patients should have no problems finding good doctors. I’ve said for years that patients need to find doctors that are in the top 20% in their profession.
For instance, let’s say a patient was in an auto accident. The auto accident may have the same injuries as a sports accident with the only difference being the mechanism of injury. So now Artificial Intelligence will be able to not only look at the injury, but the mechanism of injury to determine which local provider is the best in that area to provide the best care for the auto injury patient as they have the best auto injury practice results. So, what does the best even mean?? The best means that you can take the patient’s condition, you can quickly get the patient correctly diagnosed and you can properly get the patient treated in a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable cost. Then the results will be tracked. What is meant by results? The results would be if a patient comes through your program, whether 3 months, 6 months or more and they have no chronic pain. They have no duties that they can’t perform due to their injury. Sometimes it will look at what procedures are necessary for the given condition and what providers perform that procedure. All of those things will be tracked and the data will be evaluated through Artificial Intelligence. This technology will help reduce the chronic pain epidemic in the United States of America.
Now you can have people controlling the technology, entering their biases in it. The solution to this problem is using a third party. Someone who is not a treating provider, someone who is not vested in a particular area and that is only vested in providing the public with the best data so they can make the best choices for themselves. Employers, governments and insurers will be able to use the data in order to direct people to the best options.
I think the results in the market speak for themselves. Neck and back injuries are number one and four in the causes for chronic pain in the United States of America. The biggest problem in the market is that we do not have doctors that know what neck and back injuries look like or how to accurately diagnose and understand how to identify and determine the severity and location of these types of injuries. As we increase the awareness, we will see a reduction in chronic pain. Do you know how we will increase awareness?? With the program I developed called The SmartInjuryDoctors Training program. The package will help doctors understand what they need to be able to do, understand how to train their staff so they can develop a service team to help deliver better results and then how to market what they are doing that makes them unique in the market. SmartInjuryDoctors should be some of the busiest doctors in the market today.
Artificial Intelligence will help with this problem. The biggest thing that individual providers need to do is continuously educate themselves and focus on better results. The better results, and the more consistently you provide better results, the more valuable you will be in the market. The higher you are going to get paid, the easier and less stressful it’s going to be to develop your practice.
For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.
For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com
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