Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

I have been a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic for about 30 years now and I have been training doctors for a very long time. One of the things that comes up in my profession particularly, in chiropractic, is this idea that I am scientifically based, I’m not philosophically based, or I’m philosophically based, and I don’t care about the science. Whenever I hear that I think, “Wow, it’s an amazing misunderstanding of the term inherent”.

The term inherent means that something is inseparable. You cannot separate it. So, inherent in ice is water and sub 32° Fahrenheit temperature. You cannot have ice without water and cold. They are inseparable.

Why is it important for me to even talk about science and philosophy or anything else? Well, one of the things that I realize is that we need to have leaders be able to simplify things for the vast majority of us. People that I find significant in a leadership role are able to take complex subjects and simplify them. So let’s simplify these two terms. Let’s simplify on this show how they are inherent. You cannot have one without the other.

A science is an organized body of knowledge and data organized in order to solve a problem. So chiropractic is an organized body of data, of information, and it provides a science of chiropractic. The science of chiropractic is the science of how the ill effects of misalignment, trauma, and contact with the outside world affects the spine, and how that effect affects the rest of the body and reduces down the health. And then how, if we improve the health of the spine, that we improve the health of the body.

The whole idea behind chiropractic is that the alignment of the spine improves the function, alignment improves function. And that is the organized body of knowledge. And that organized body of knowledge has to do with osteology and position. It has to do with physics and various sciences come into play.

Now, philosophy is the reason why you organize the science in the first place. You cannot have a science without a philosophy. Now let me be really clear with that. Science is an organized body of knowledge organized to solve problems in a particular area. Philosophy is why you organize it in the first place. So when somebody says to me that they are philosophically based but they’re not scientifically based, I don’t know what to say to that. But when they say, “Hey, I don’t want any more of this philosophical stuff, I just want to know the science.” Well, again, philosophy is the reason why you organize the science in the first place.

Some in my profession do not realize that you can enter in terms like religion, and religion usually means that there is a higher being. And religion can be a philosophy, but we do not need to bring religion into the science and philosophy of electronics, or the science and philosophy of economics. It does not mean that we deny the existence of these higher being. I think it’s ridiculous to deny the existence of a higher being. I think there’s too many examples around that there is. But to stay out of that area. It’s not what I’m talking about today. I’m just talking about philosophy and science.

In the profession of chiropractic, at one point, according to historians, in 1910 or 1912 there were 12,000 doctors that had gone through school and had been chiropractors. There were apparently around 15,000 prosecutions for practicing medicine without a license that were going on in that time period. Palmer, BJ Palmer, the son of the original founder of all of chiropractic, looked and said at that time the Christian scientists had exemptions. And he looked at one point and said, “Maybe we should turn chiropractic into a religion just to handle the prosecutions.” Now, you have got to think about this.

Put this in context of doctors. Let’s say there are 60,000 practicing chiropractors, and there are 90,000 active cases on the books right now of prosecuting and persecuting each chiropractor for practicing medicine without a license. What would you do? What would the leadership do? So there was an idea that that is what should occur, and sometimes I think that that is how this went off the rails on philosophy versus science.

Today, in the injury market, we need the science and philosophy to merge. Right? What’s the philosophy of injury science? Well, we could take a philosophy like alignment improves function. We could take a philosophy like we want to go for the top ability to rehabilitate the human body. That can be our philosophy. That’s our starting point. Now we’re going to organize the science called the science of injury science in order to accomplish that. You, whether you know it or not, if you’re married, you have a philosophy of marriage. And there’s also a science to it. You may have a philosophy of raising your kids. Anything that you deem important, generally you have a reason why. The reason why is your philosophy.

I wanted to talk about those two terms because they are common terms that come up in my profession, and the more we talk or exchange viewpoints on it, I think the more it will help you to understand exactly what these things mean when you’re hit with them. I’ve been hit in depositions where the defense attorney asked me, “What’s your philosophy of chiropractic in a deposition?” So it’s easy. Alignment improves function. I can say our philosophy in three words, and now you can too, doctor. And you can use that. Alignment improves function.

If a marriage is misaligned, it’s not functional. If your business is misaligned, it’s not functional. If your relationship with your kids are misaligned, it’s not functional, or not as functional as it could be. Realign it and it’ll become more functional. That is a philosophy of chiropractic, and you could say it’s the basic founding principle upon which the whole science was built.

So again, doctors, you’re going to see that I’m going to go into different areas, sometimes heavy into injuries, sometimes into the outer areas of our profession or my profession in order to assist in your general understanding, simple understanding, so that you don’t get caught up in the areas that you shouldn’t get caught up. Nobody should get caught up on whether I’m philosophically based or whether this profession has to be more science or more philosophy. You can’t grow one without the other.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

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Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Why You Are Not Out Marketing Your Spinal Injury Practice

Why You Are Not Out Marketing Your Spinal Injury Practice

Why aren’t you out marketing your injury practice? I train doctors all over the country. It is called the SmartInjuryDoctors program and one of the things that I am routinely asking doctors when I’m working with them one-on-one is why aren’t you out marketing? They are trying to figure out how to get the PowerPoint. We have PowerPoints that work. They work like a charm. They’re trying to figure out how to redo the PowerPoint or how to fix it up better. Or they have ideas that they have to speak better or maybe they should buy more clothes or better clothes. They got all these reasons and all these reasons are why they’re not out engaged in the market.

Oh, they don’t have a lot of time, yada, yada, yada. I’ve heard them all. Now, I’m going to tell you right now as somebody that has helped coach a lot of practices, the number one reason I found that you are not out marketing your injury practice is because you’re not completely sold on it. I’m going to say that again. The reason why you will not be out marketing your injury practice, talking to attorneys, talking to medical doctors, talking to people at church, talking to patients, talking everywhere about the benefits of your injury practice is because you’re not 100% sold on your injured practice. There’s something about your injury practice that you’re not sold on. Maybe it’s the treatment. Maybe you’re not understanding the treatment. Maybe it’s diagnosis. You’re not understanding how easy it is to be able to diagnose the severity and location of each patient’s injuries and not miss injuries, but maybe you don’t feel that way.

Maybe you feel like, ‘ah, I don’t know’. You have this hesitation inside. Maybe I’m missing a lot of things. Maybe I don’t know how my adjustments help excessive motions, ligament injuries. Maybe I don’t know how that works. Maybe I don’t know how my other treatment really affects this. I don’t know if my guideline procedures are good or if I’m following guidelines. I don’t know if my billing procedures are accurate or good. I don’t know if my coding is. Whatever it is, there’s something, there’s always something when I’m working with a doctor.

If you’re not out marketing your injury practice and you’re not out actually saying “Hey, oh my gosh, nice to meet you. Oh, you’re an attorney? Personal injury attorney? Good. Nice to meet you. My name is Dr. Cronk. I run a chiropractic practice over here. We specialize on spinal ligament injuries. One of the best in the area of actually doing, treating these injuries and one of the things that we’re absolutely stellar at is the documentation so your life as an attorney, a lot easier.”

“The other thing I want to tell you is I’ve got a practice over here that we developed and if you, your son, your daughter, or somebody that you love actually had an injury and they had a ligament injury, which is the number one cause of pain and disability, but let’s say that your son or daughter had a ligament injury and now it’s causing migraine headaches. They had a cranial cervical junction ligament injury now causing migraine headaches. They were in a car accident and now your son or daughter, let’s say they’re a 12 or they’re 14. And now they’re actually having migraine headaches and they’re throwing up as a result of it. They feel like a social outcast at school. Your wife is very concerned about it. Everyone is. You yourself are extremely concerned about it.”

“You as an attorney are not going to be thinking about, well, gosh, I can’t wait. Geez, let’s see how much we can get for this case. That’s not what you’re thinking about at all. What you’re thinking about is, oh my God, as a parent, how do I figure out where do I go? What doctor do I find? Who do I get to help my kid get over this condition? That’s what you’re going to be interested in. That’s what I’ve created over here. Now I’ve created it over here for you, your family or anyone in our community. We’re super good at it and or super good at understanding the documentation requirements that make your life easy. I’d love to do business with you. I know that you represent in your patients and I know that those patients oftentimes are working with doctors where they don’t have an accurate diagnosis, they aren’t making good progress, and generally that’s because it’s not fully understood what they have.”

How hard is that doctors? You’re with a medical doctor? Good. I know you as a medical doctor. Now I’m with the lead care lead doctor at a urgent care center. I know that you guys get a lot of injuries. They get back injuries, neck injuries, auto injuries, work related injuries, domestic violent injury where the patient has injured their spine. The biggest problem with that patient is you get to get them to a doctor that understands the ligament injury.

Ligament injuries are two-fold. You could have a disc herniation, which is part of what you see with imaging with a ligament injury, but the most problematic injury is the one that causes excessive motion that you see in stress radiology with accurate measurements. And that condition causes a spinal instability and that patient must have that diagnosed as quickly as possible and appropriate treatment put on it as quickly as possible or you seriously increase the risk of the patient going chronic. We developed this clinic over here.

Doctors, it becomes very easy, but if you’re not out marketing and you’re sitting in your clinics going, “Okay, what do I got to do? What do I have to do?” I’m telling you that what is behind the “what do I got to do?” Not all of it, but a lot of it can be the fact that there’s something that you’re doing or something that you feel that you should be doing that you’re not doing or results that you should be getting, but you’re not getting, that is what is withholding you from going out and telling the world just how good of a practice that you’ve actually developed and what the purpose of that practice is.

These things are easy to fix. They’re usually easy to fix with education. That’s why I developed this SmartInjuryDoctors program. It was to help doctors to understand very simply the most common thing that they hit with injury patients.

  1. How to accurately diagnose.
  2. How to manage that patient for much better results.
  3. How to document in such a way that the patient has access to any benefits they may be entitled to and trust the attorneys like that. They like great documentation that makes their job of helping the patient access any benefits they’re entitled to in an easier fashion.

It becomes very easy when you have these things to market. If you don’t have those things you need to take a look at how you can enhance yourself so that you can get those things. You are the biggest thing to invest in. You’re the most valuable thing to invest in in your own practice. Your own education, whether it’s education in the form of joining a SmartInjuryDoctors program, or educating yourself with personal injury practice consultants, it doesn’t matter because what you should be continuously doing. You should be continuously educating yourself. Pick a practice manager a year, practice consultant a year to get consulted with. Continuously educate yourself, it pays off big dividends in your practice. It really does.

You definitely want to have an understanding and feel very, very comfortable with exactly what you’re doing and the results that you can get. And when you are, in my experience, you have no problem marketing, you have no problem at all. Plus people will market for you. Patients will market for you, other attorneys will market for you, medical doctors will market for you. Anybody that you’re interacting with will market for you when you get to that state. And that’s a beautiful thing when it gets to that point. Doctors, if you feel like you have a deficit in education, I tell you, check out the SmartInjuryDoctors program. For those of you that are in the program, you know exactly what I’m talking about and you are out there marketing and I so appreciate you.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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701 Richards Ave
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[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Commitment Is Essential in Building a Personal Injury Practice Today

Commitment Is Essential in Building a Personal Injury Practice Today

Today what I want to talk about is commitment. Commitment is huge. If you decide you want to engage in a personal injury practice, and to me, it’s the most purpose-driven practice that you can have, whether you’re a doctor of chiropractic, a doctor of osteopathy, a medical doctor, a doctor of physical therapy. It does not matter. Injury patients need the best doctors in the market. They don’t need to go to average doctors, they need to be willing and able to find best doctors in the market, and the reason why they need the best doctors in the market is because they’re at such high risk for long term residual complaints. There is not an injury patient in the market today that should not be going to the top 20% of any profession. So, if they are going to choose chiropractic, they’d better choose the top 20% because their risk for long term residual complaints is quite high. And today, with the markets the way that they are and the future of the markets, those are the doctors that are going to be identified as those that should be matched with that injury patient. Those are going to be the doctors that are busy.

So, what does commitment mean? Well, it means dedication, it means application. Dedication and application. Dedication to learning. Never stopping learning. That is one dedication that every injury doctor should have. Dedication to better diagnostic technique, dedication to better diagnostic understanding to be able to determine the location and severity of any injury the patient has. Dedication on that. And in application. How do you apply that? Application of examination techniques. Application of examination techniques for simple spinal instability workups. But the other thing that a smart injury doctor does is he takes a course of action or a course of study, and then he studies it with high devotion. That means he is not studying anything else now. The best providers should be almost solely dedicated to bettering themselves and bettering their ability to deliver injury services. The injury patient does not deserve anything less than that.

Now, there are several trainers in the market. I know in my profession of chiropractic, there are different trainers. There are different personal injury trainers. Most of the time, the personal injury trainers are training you on either educating you for your CV to give you more advanced certifications, or they’re educating you on office procedures, or they’re educating you on diagnostic procedures. In the Smart Injury Doctors Program that I developed; we are doing it on one area. Spinal ligament injuries. We’re teaching the doctors how to better diagnose these, examine these, so that they don’t miss the injuries themselves, how to better treat and manage the patient for better results, and then how to document everything in a way that anyone involved, insurer, attorney, patient, anyone involved, has access to any benefits that that patient may be entitled to, so it’s very, very simple. Our program then also helps the doctor to train his staff and helps the doctor to then market the uniqueness of their clinic.

If you are going to go with any program, you need to dedicate yourself to that program. I see so many doctors will jump from program, to program, to program, and thinking that the pasture is always greener over here. This is what I do not know over here. This is what I do not know over here. So, they never really get the full benefit of the program that they are signed up with. Now, you miss out on that because you are not really committed. When you’re committed to a program, you want to study that program over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, and you want to get absolutely everything out of it that you possibly can before you go to the next program. And today, I see so many doctors will jump from program to program, they’ve done this training, they’ve done that training, they’ve done this training, they’ve done that training, and yet, when I ask them simple questions about this training, that training, or the other training, they really can’t answer them all that well.

So, if you are going to spend time and resources, then study it like you are going to become a professional with it, not a hobbyist with it. Do not take any program on as if it is a hobby if it is something that you casually enjoy doing. And some doctors that I have met quite frankly enjoy studying and they study, study, study, but they never apply. Remember, commitment is dedication to the study and enhancement of yourself in that area, but it is also in the dedication. So, the place that you most learn if you understand what is been taught is in the area of application because if you can’t apply it, there’s something you don’t know about it. If you cannot apply it, there is something that you do not know about it. And you must go back, and you must find out what that is. Or no matter who the group is, I know in the Smart Injury Doctors Program, we have a dedicated Facebook user group, so our doctors can come right into the Facebook user group and go type in a question, and then other doctors that are dedicated to applying this material will help those doctors to better understand the material so they, too, can apply it.

Being an injury doctor today is one of the most lucrative positions in the market today. And again, only the best doctors should be delivering injury services in my experience. Patients have too much to lose. Commitment is interesting. I heard a friend of mine say, “Hey, this is commitment.” When you are committed, let us say that you are married, so you are committed to your wife, or if you are a female, you’re committed to your husband. When you are committed to something, you do not look at something else. You don’t go straying and looking at other women or other men because then you’re getting the idea that, “Hey, maybe I can find something that’s better. Maybe the pasture is greener over here.” That is lack of commitment. Real commitment is devotion to the process or to the thing that you are studying or the thing that you are in a relationship with. That is real commitment. And the more committed you are, the better you are going to be in every aspect of your life. No matter what you do, you must do it with commitment because if you are not doing it with commitment, you are just doing it as more of a hobby. That is especially true in injury training.

If you are going to take advanced injury training like our SmartInjuryDoctors Training Program, then what you want to do is dedicate yourself and commit to becoming a better doctor. As a matter of fact, today,  I challenge you to commit to become the top injury doctor in your area. Commit to becoming part of the top 2% in your profession. Commit to being able to communicate as that top professional and contribute to the science, contribute to the bettering of techniques to get better outcomes. Contribute to that science and you will become a much better doctor. But the key is commitment. You have got to be committed. Now, if you are committed, you will not have any troubles with marketing. If you are committed, you will not have any problems with staffing. If you are committed, you will not have any problems with the insurers. If you are committed, you will not have any problem with yourself, your family will be taken care of better, you will be able to take care of them better because you are committed. So, commitment is a real key in the personal injury market today. It is the key to a doctor really expanding in his ability to be a great doctor.

 For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
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[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.