Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

Chiropractic Confusion on Science and Philosophy

I have been a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic for about 30 years now and I have been training doctors for a very long time. One of the things that comes up in my profession particularly, in chiropractic, is this idea that I am scientifically based, I’m not philosophically based, or I’m philosophically based, and I don’t care about the science. Whenever I hear that I think, “Wow, it’s an amazing misunderstanding of the term inherent”.

The term inherent means that something is inseparable. You cannot separate it. So, inherent in ice is water and sub 32° Fahrenheit temperature. You cannot have ice without water and cold. They are inseparable.

Why is it important for me to even talk about science and philosophy or anything else? Well, one of the things that I realize is that we need to have leaders be able to simplify things for the vast majority of us. People that I find significant in a leadership role are able to take complex subjects and simplify them. So let’s simplify these two terms. Let’s simplify on this show how they are inherent. You cannot have one without the other.

A science is an organized body of knowledge and data organized in order to solve a problem. So chiropractic is an organized body of data, of information, and it provides a science of chiropractic. The science of chiropractic is the science of how the ill effects of misalignment, trauma, and contact with the outside world affects the spine, and how that effect affects the rest of the body and reduces down the health. And then how, if we improve the health of the spine, that we improve the health of the body.

The whole idea behind chiropractic is that the alignment of the spine improves the function, alignment improves function. And that is the organized body of knowledge. And that organized body of knowledge has to do with osteology and position. It has to do with physics and various sciences come into play.

Now, philosophy is the reason why you organize the science in the first place. You cannot have a science without a philosophy. Now let me be really clear with that. Science is an organized body of knowledge organized to solve problems in a particular area. Philosophy is why you organize it in the first place. So when somebody says to me that they are philosophically based but they’re not scientifically based, I don’t know what to say to that. But when they say, “Hey, I don’t want any more of this philosophical stuff, I just want to know the science.” Well, again, philosophy is the reason why you organize the science in the first place.

Some in my profession do not realize that you can enter in terms like religion, and religion usually means that there is a higher being. And religion can be a philosophy, but we do not need to bring religion into the science and philosophy of electronics, or the science and philosophy of economics. It does not mean that we deny the existence of these higher being. I think it’s ridiculous to deny the existence of a higher being. I think there’s too many examples around that there is. But to stay out of that area. It’s not what I’m talking about today. I’m just talking about philosophy and science.

In the profession of chiropractic, at one point, according to historians, in 1910 or 1912 there were 12,000 doctors that had gone through school and had been chiropractors. There were apparently around 15,000 prosecutions for practicing medicine without a license that were going on in that time period. Palmer, BJ Palmer, the son of the original founder of all of chiropractic, looked and said at that time the Christian scientists had exemptions. And he looked at one point and said, “Maybe we should turn chiropractic into a religion just to handle the prosecutions.” Now, you have got to think about this.

Put this in context of doctors. Let’s say there are 60,000 practicing chiropractors, and there are 90,000 active cases on the books right now of prosecuting and persecuting each chiropractor for practicing medicine without a license. What would you do? What would the leadership do? So there was an idea that that is what should occur, and sometimes I think that that is how this went off the rails on philosophy versus science.

Today, in the injury market, we need the science and philosophy to merge. Right? What’s the philosophy of injury science? Well, we could take a philosophy like alignment improves function. We could take a philosophy like we want to go for the top ability to rehabilitate the human body. That can be our philosophy. That’s our starting point. Now we’re going to organize the science called the science of injury science in order to accomplish that. You, whether you know it or not, if you’re married, you have a philosophy of marriage. And there’s also a science to it. You may have a philosophy of raising your kids. Anything that you deem important, generally you have a reason why. The reason why is your philosophy.

I wanted to talk about those two terms because they are common terms that come up in my profession, and the more we talk or exchange viewpoints on it, I think the more it will help you to understand exactly what these things mean when you’re hit with them. I’ve been hit in depositions where the defense attorney asked me, “What’s your philosophy of chiropractic in a deposition?” So it’s easy. Alignment improves function. I can say our philosophy in three words, and now you can too, doctor. And you can use that. Alignment improves function.

If a marriage is misaligned, it’s not functional. If your business is misaligned, it’s not functional. If your relationship with your kids are misaligned, it’s not functional, or not as functional as it could be. Realign it and it’ll become more functional. That is a philosophy of chiropractic, and you could say it’s the basic founding principle upon which the whole science was built.

So again, doctors, you’re going to see that I’m going to go into different areas, sometimes heavy into injuries, sometimes into the outer areas of our profession or my profession in order to assist in your general understanding, simple understanding, so that you don’t get caught up in the areas that you shouldn’t get caught up. Nobody should get caught up on whether I’m philosophically based or whether this profession has to be more science or more philosophy. You can’t grow one without the other.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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701 Richards Ave
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© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Commitment Is Essential in Building a Personal Injury Practice Today

Commitment Is Essential in Building a Personal Injury Practice Today

Today what I want to talk about is commitment. Commitment is huge. If you decide you want to engage in a personal injury practice, and to me, it’s the most purpose-driven practice that you can have, whether you’re a doctor of chiropractic, a doctor of osteopathy, a medical doctor, a doctor of physical therapy. It does not matter. Injury patients need the best doctors in the market. They don’t need to go to average doctors, they need to be willing and able to find best doctors in the market, and the reason why they need the best doctors in the market is because they’re at such high risk for long term residual complaints. There is not an injury patient in the market today that should not be going to the top 20% of any profession. So, if they are going to choose chiropractic, they’d better choose the top 20% because their risk for long term residual complaints is quite high. And today, with the markets the way that they are and the future of the markets, those are the doctors that are going to be identified as those that should be matched with that injury patient. Those are going to be the doctors that are busy.

So, what does commitment mean? Well, it means dedication, it means application. Dedication and application. Dedication to learning. Never stopping learning. That is one dedication that every injury doctor should have. Dedication to better diagnostic technique, dedication to better diagnostic understanding to be able to determine the location and severity of any injury the patient has. Dedication on that. And in application. How do you apply that? Application of examination techniques. Application of examination techniques for simple spinal instability workups. But the other thing that a smart injury doctor does is he takes a course of action or a course of study, and then he studies it with high devotion. That means he is not studying anything else now. The best providers should be almost solely dedicated to bettering themselves and bettering their ability to deliver injury services. The injury patient does not deserve anything less than that.

Now, there are several trainers in the market. I know in my profession of chiropractic, there are different trainers. There are different personal injury trainers. Most of the time, the personal injury trainers are training you on either educating you for your CV to give you more advanced certifications, or they’re educating you on office procedures, or they’re educating you on diagnostic procedures. In the Smart Injury Doctors Program that I developed; we are doing it on one area. Spinal ligament injuries. We’re teaching the doctors how to better diagnose these, examine these, so that they don’t miss the injuries themselves, how to better treat and manage the patient for better results, and then how to document everything in a way that anyone involved, insurer, attorney, patient, anyone involved, has access to any benefits that that patient may be entitled to, so it’s very, very simple. Our program then also helps the doctor to train his staff and helps the doctor to then market the uniqueness of their clinic.

If you are going to go with any program, you need to dedicate yourself to that program. I see so many doctors will jump from program, to program, to program, and thinking that the pasture is always greener over here. This is what I do not know over here. This is what I do not know over here. So, they never really get the full benefit of the program that they are signed up with. Now, you miss out on that because you are not really committed. When you’re committed to a program, you want to study that program over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, and you want to get absolutely everything out of it that you possibly can before you go to the next program. And today, I see so many doctors will jump from program to program, they’ve done this training, they’ve done that training, they’ve done this training, they’ve done that training, and yet, when I ask them simple questions about this training, that training, or the other training, they really can’t answer them all that well.

So, if you are going to spend time and resources, then study it like you are going to become a professional with it, not a hobbyist with it. Do not take any program on as if it is a hobby if it is something that you casually enjoy doing. And some doctors that I have met quite frankly enjoy studying and they study, study, study, but they never apply. Remember, commitment is dedication to the study and enhancement of yourself in that area, but it is also in the dedication. So, the place that you most learn if you understand what is been taught is in the area of application because if you can’t apply it, there’s something you don’t know about it. If you cannot apply it, there is something that you do not know about it. And you must go back, and you must find out what that is. Or no matter who the group is, I know in the Smart Injury Doctors Program, we have a dedicated Facebook user group, so our doctors can come right into the Facebook user group and go type in a question, and then other doctors that are dedicated to applying this material will help those doctors to better understand the material so they, too, can apply it.

Being an injury doctor today is one of the most lucrative positions in the market today. And again, only the best doctors should be delivering injury services in my experience. Patients have too much to lose. Commitment is interesting. I heard a friend of mine say, “Hey, this is commitment.” When you are committed, let us say that you are married, so you are committed to your wife, or if you are a female, you’re committed to your husband. When you are committed to something, you do not look at something else. You don’t go straying and looking at other women or other men because then you’re getting the idea that, “Hey, maybe I can find something that’s better. Maybe the pasture is greener over here.” That is lack of commitment. Real commitment is devotion to the process or to the thing that you are studying or the thing that you are in a relationship with. That is real commitment. And the more committed you are, the better you are going to be in every aspect of your life. No matter what you do, you must do it with commitment because if you are not doing it with commitment, you are just doing it as more of a hobby. That is especially true in injury training.

If you are going to take advanced injury training like our SmartInjuryDoctors Training Program, then what you want to do is dedicate yourself and commit to becoming a better doctor. As a matter of fact, today,  I challenge you to commit to become the top injury doctor in your area. Commit to becoming part of the top 2% in your profession. Commit to being able to communicate as that top professional and contribute to the science, contribute to the bettering of techniques to get better outcomes. Contribute to that science and you will become a much better doctor. But the key is commitment. You have got to be committed. Now, if you are committed, you will not have any troubles with marketing. If you are committed, you will not have any problems with staffing. If you are committed, you will not have any problems with the insurers. If you are committed, you will not have any problem with yourself, your family will be taken care of better, you will be able to take care of them better because you are committed. So, commitment is a real key in the personal injury market today. It is the key to a doctor really expanding in his ability to be a great doctor.

 For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

As a SmartInjuryDoctor You Can Dominate the Headache Resolution Space

As a SmartInjuryDoctor You Can Dominate the Headache Resolution Space

As a SmartInjuryDoctor You Can Dominate the Headache Resolution Space

A lot of doctors want to expand their practices and one of the biggest concerns is new patients.  Doctors in my Smart Injury Doctors program understand just how valuable they are in the market.  They understand that ligament injuries cause some of the most chronic, costly and disabling conditions in the market today.  Spinal ligament injuries are the number one cause of chronic pain and disability in the market today.

Spinal ligament conditions cause low back and neck problems which causes chronic pain.  Cervical conditions cause headaches.  Whenever we are talking about a diagnosis of a condition we are talking about the symptom and then working our way back to the most common physical cause of that condition.   If you have a problem with the engine in your car you better have a mechanic that knows how to find the cause of the mechanical failure and that can fix the problem so that your car will be optimally functioning again.  The human body is the same.  I get so excited for Smart Injury Doctors because not only can they be treating more injury patients but can be treating the chronic pain side of things as well.   Many patients have been to doctors that don’t know anything about spinal ligament injuries, which are causing the pain that they are having.  Those same doctors don’t know how to appropriately diagnose or how to properly treat them. 

Let’s take migraine headaches.  Migraine headaches effect 38 million men, women and children in the US and one billion people worldwide.   Everyone either knows someone who suffers from migraines or who struggles with migraines themselves.  Migraine headache is the sixth most disabling condition and the third most prevalent illness in the world today.  Nearly one in four households in the US include someone with migraine headaches.   So, doctors that are looking for new patients, if you drive by a thousand houses tonight, 250 houses have people in them that suffer from migraine headaches.  A migraine patient will spend 70% more in medial expenses per year, by study, than somebody who doesn’t. 

In America every 10 seconds someone goes to the emergency room complaining of head pain.  Approximately 1.2 million visits are for acute migraine attacks.  Most sufferers experience an attack once or twice a month however, more than four million people have chronic daily migraines with at least 15 migraine days per month.   More than 90% of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during their migraines.  Most migraine attacks are accompanied by visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, numbness in the extremities and extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell.

Doctors, the most exciting part about this market is that there are so few experts.  There are so few confident doctors that know that you will need a full assessment of at least the first four vertebrae (C1, C2, C3 and C4) nerves.  If there is a ligament injury it will cause excessive motion and would cause instability.  The instability causes a motor sensory, a pain problem associate with that motion unit, which is the most common cause of headaches.   There is not one headache patient in the world that shouldn’t have a doctor that says “Okay, what are these vertebral bodies doing right around these nerves?”  Where does the C1 nerve come out?  It comes out between the occiput and C1.  Where does the C2 nerve come out?  It comes out between C2 and C1.   The C3 nerve comes out between C3 and C2, C4 nerve comes out between C4 and C3.  Those nerves are the most common nerves that cause headaches.  The provider needs to know if there is excessive motion at these motion units which would be causing chronic irritation at that level.  50% of migraine headache patients do not have a diagnosis. 

Patients do not feel confident that the doctors going to be able to do anything for them.  As a matter of fact, a majority of people who suffer from migraines can’t find anybody to help them with the migraine.  The first thing that has to be done for a patient that suffers from migraine headaches is you have to get them to understand that you can diagnose the most common cause of their condition and you can do it easily, inexpensively and effectively.

Chiropractors are looking for misalignment, or mal-motion of the vertebral motion unit, which causes nerve interference which is called spinal instability.  If every chiropractor, physical therapist, medical doctor, orthopedist and neurosurgeon was taught how to assess the severity and location of ligament injuries standardly we wouldn’t have 38 million Americans having chronic migraines.  Standard assessment of ligament injuries would utilize stress radiology and accurate intersegmental motion testing.  The most common treatment that is done for misalignment is a spinal adjustment which maybe done by hand or with an instrument.   Adjustments do a couple of things.   Adjustments reduce inflammation and they improve the mechanoreceptors communication with what is called the neuromuscular control unit.   In a ligament there is little pressure receptors.  Anytime there is a change in pressure the receptors immediately communicate across to the muscle system what needs to happen to stabilize the spine at that milli-instant which causes irritation.  That irritation causes the symptom, which today we are talking about migraine and chronic headaches.

Like I said, there are so many patients out there with symptoms that have been treated by doctors who really don’t know how to get to the cause of the problem.  There are 1.2 million medical doctors in the United States and less than 500 are considered medical specialists.   A majority of those 500 medical specialists just prescribe drugs, which with medication overuse is now considered the most common reason why episodic migraines turn chronic. 

To the patients out there, that doesn’t mean when you have a migraine headache that a drug wouldn’t help bring down that pain.  What you really need though is a doctor that can find the cause of the problem.  That is where Smart Injury Doctors really take over the market.  For those of you that don’t understand ligament injuries, there is a Smart Injury Doctor’s program just go to smartinjurydoctor.com to learn more about it.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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701 Richards Ave
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© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Technology Will Solve Chronic Pain

Technology Will Solve Chronic Pain

Technology Will Solve Chronic Pain

What I would like to talk about today is how technology will kill the chronic pain problem in the future.  What I mean by that is that technology is going to solve the chronic pain problem in the future, that it will seriously reduce it down.  Now for me as a Smart Injury Doctor and trainer, and for you, it will be very easy to understand because we will solve the biggest problem with chronic pain,  misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment which is the most common causes of chronic pain.

One of the things that I look at the most right now in the musculoskeletal market is that modern medicine is under-trained in that particular category.  Musculoskeletal chronic pain is the most common chronic pain that there is.  There is a big educational gap that needs to be filled.  One of the ways that we are going to solve this problem is through technology and proper data evaluation.  Data evaluation is when you have massive amounts of data that will tell you things that can’t really be discovered any other way.  Good data evaluation is completely unprejudiced.

Artificial Intelligence is the emerging new technology of the future.  Artificial intelligence is a technology that learns as it goes by collecting and evaluating data.   Through data evaluation with artificial intelligence we will be able to determine the condition and which doctor is best for that condition, without prejudice.  There are different specialties and conditions will be sectioned into which specialty treats that condition better.  The technology will be able to differentiate which providers are the best providers and then it will show which providers treat the specific injury or condition.    If a medical doctor is best for chronic neck pain because they can diagnose and exactly pinpoint what is causing the problem, then reduce it, the data will show that.  Now if chiropractors are the best for evaluating that diagnosis, getting down to the root cause of it and getting results they will be looked at.  Maybe acupuncturists or Physical Therapists will be looked at.  Doctors that are good in the market will start to rise to the top, which is where they should be.  Patients should have no problems finding good doctors.  I’ve said for years that patients need to find doctors that are in the top 20% in their profession. 

For instance, let’s say a patient was in an auto accident.  The auto accident may have the same injuries as a sports accident with the only difference being the mechanism of injury.  So now Artificial Intelligence will be able to not only look at the injury, but the mechanism of injury to determine which local provider is the best in that area to provide the best care for the auto injury patient as they have the best auto injury practice results.  So, what does the best even mean??  The best means that you can take the patient’s condition, you can quickly get the patient correctly diagnosed and you can properly get the patient treated in a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable cost. Then the results will be tracked.  What is meant by results?  The results would be if a patient comes through your program, whether 3 months, 6 months or more and they have no chronic pain.  They have no duties that they can’t perform due to their injury.   Sometimes it will look at what procedures are necessary for the given condition and what providers perform that procedure.  All of those things will be tracked and the data will be evaluated through Artificial Intelligence.   This technology will help reduce the chronic pain epidemic in the United States of America.

 Now you can have people controlling the technology, entering their biases in it.  The solution to this problem is using a third party.   Someone who is not a treating provider, someone who is not vested in a particular area and that is only vested in providing the public with the best data so they can make the best choices for themselves.  Employers, governments and insurers will be able to use the data in order to direct people to the best options. 

I think the results in the market speak for themselves.  Neck and back injuries are number one and four in the causes for chronic pain in the United States of America.  The biggest problem in the market is that we do not have doctors that know what neck and back injuries look like or how to accurately diagnose and understand how to identify and determine the severity and location of these types of injuries.  As we increase the awareness, we will see a reduction in chronic pain.   Do you know how we will increase awareness??  With the program I developed called The SmartInjuryDoctors Training program.  The package will help doctors understand what they need to be able to do, understand how to train their staff so they can develop a service team to help deliver better results and then how to market what they are doing that makes them unique in the market.  SmartInjuryDoctors should be some of the busiest doctors in the market today.

Artificial Intelligence will help with this problem.  The biggest thing that individual providers need to do is continuously educate themselves and focus on better results.  The better results, and the more consistently you provide better results, the more valuable you will be in the market.   The higher you are going to get paid, the easier and less stressful it’s going to be to develop your practice. 

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Explaining CRMA Spinal Ligament Injury Testing to Your Patients

Explaining CRMA Spinal Ligament Injury Testing to Your Patients

Explaining CRMA Spinal Ligament Injury Testing to Your Patients

I want to talk about explaining CRMA results to your patients. CRMA is Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis. It’s a spinal ligament injury test that picks up the imaging biomarker of a ligament injury. An imaging biomarker is something that is detectable on an image that leads to a definitive diagnosis. There are 220 specialized ligaments in the human spine, 23 of which are discs. If we have a disc derangement or disc herniation, that’s an imaging biomarker that is picked up on MRI. We can also have excessive motion, which is the most problematic ligament injury there is. That imaging biomarker is picked up on standard stress radiology. We know that there are normal ranges for the movement of an intervertebral body. We know that there are abnormal movement ranges and we know there are seriously abnormal movement ranges that are consistent with what is left behind with a ligament injury.

You first must explain to the patient why you are doing this testing procedure and what you are looking for in the results. After you have done this, you have positioned yourself as an expert in this area by saying, “Look, this testing is what we do in order to determine the severity and location of a ligament injury. This is the most significant injury that the spine can undergo. So we only use the highest level of professional and competent radiologists that we can find to perform this service.” You are elevating yourself and your status. You’ve already done this with the patient. You’ve already explained why you’re sending out for this procedure. You’ve already explained to the patient that this is unique.

I have also educated doctors to tell their patients in their consultation that the majority of people out there that have chronic pain today have the condition that this test picks up and they’ve just never had it diagnosed. It goes undiagnosed so they are living with chronic pain when they could actually be getting help. Having this conversation with your patients will get you more referrals. It assists you with getting more non-injury referrals because remember, the thing that causes acute pain in an injury state is the same thing that causes chronic pain. It is the same condition.

Now you are at the visit where you need to explain their results. For example, Mark’s test came back and indicates a C4 on C5 nerve problem, or you have C4 on C5 alteration of motion segment integrity at that state for translation findings.

You are explaining, “Mark your test results came back. I’ve got them. It shows that you have severe ligament damage in the middle part of your neck.” I would touch the patient, I would point to it. You don’t have to give them the report, that’s not important. Those are not the important things. “Mark, here’s what is important. It came back, there was significant ligament damage. Now what that does is it doesn’t change our treatment goals. The treatment goals that I said to you in the report of findings are still the treatment goals today. Those goals are to have you pain-free at the end of our care and have you have no chronic pain, no chronic situation at all with this condition. To have it not interfering with any activity of your daily living and do not have it interfere with your ability to earn a living at all. I want you where you feel like you never had the injury in the first place. That’s the goal. Now, what this test tells me though, is that you’re at much higher risk for a thing called long-term residual complaints. Those are conditions that never fully go away. That’s a chronic condition. You’re at high risk for that. Now, here’s the thing that I need to tell you. You are the patient that cannot miss care. You can’t miss visits. You can’t miss anything that we’re telling you to do in treatment. You have to be a stellar patient because I’m not just working on your spine to reduce down your acute pain and the situation today, as a provider, I’m looking at your spine and your spinal health 10, 20, 30, 40 years from now. Seriously, I’m looking at your future when we are doing this treatment program now.”

“It’s my job, as your guide, to get you through treatment and you’ll understand it as we go. So here’s what I’m telling you, as a result of this condition, you’ve got to be really good with treatment. You also have to be really good with communicating to me. If I have you do an in-office rehab procedure, I will have you do an at home exercise program, and any of this seems to bother you at all, I need you to tell me right away. Tell me right away. Okay? This is information that I need to know. Now, I gave you injury recommendations about water, about sleep, about an anti-inflammatory diet.” (Doctors, we have a thing called SmartInjuryRecommendations that are just basic fundamentals that you’re going to give the patient to get healthier in the first place and to reduce their own inflammation.)

“I’ve given you those recommendations. Those are good things to do, right? I need you to know that with this level of ligament damage, it causes instability in the spine. Anything that’s unstable is prone to erratic or unpredictable behavior. Your spine may be good for a while and then you can have a flare-up. Now, that’s going to be important for you to know because we’re going to be talking with you about supportive care toward the end of your care.”


Doctors, I am initiating supportive care conversations in week one because it’s the truth. “What that means is that I’m going to be recommending probably, no matter how well you do in care, that we do two to four visits a year for the next two years after you’re done with care just to support the care that we did and then I’ll want you to take a look at doing…” My patients that see me twice a year or four times a year, and they do it for 30 years, are going to be much healthier than my patients that wait 10 years, don’t see me, and now they come in with some sort of situation and now they want me to fix it.

So it’s much easier to take care of a spine a little bit over time than it is to take care of a spine that has been badly neglected for years or decades. But this is a  talk we’re going to have toward the end of care. I just want you to know that we are going to be having that conversation. Doctors, you’re starting to talk about this now just by being in your report to the patient and you’re allowing the patient to ask you now, any questions that you want to ask them. You’re telling that patient, “Look, this is the other thing with this condition is, in treatment, a lot of times everything’s going to go really well, so you’ll spend a month or two and all of a sudden you realize, oh my gosh, I feel like I’m a hundred percent better and I should be done with treatment.”

And then suddenly you watch a football game on a Monday night; You sleep wrong on your neck; It feels like you’re right back at day one. You are not back on day one. Now doctors, if you don’t tell them that they can hit this, here’s what’s going to happen. They’re going to think that your care is not working. So if you tell them that it could happen and it happens, your status goes up. So now you’re basically telling the patient if that happens, you just come in for a visit or two and I’ll have you right back to where you were. That’s the nature of this condition. Now, if you tell them that and they hit it, they will be back in your office.

If you don’t tell them that they may have flare-ups, they might be in their office and complaining that their neck hurts.  Their coworker might say that chiropractic care didn’t work for them and that they went to a physical therapist or other doctors. The next thing you know, your patient is now in that other doctor or physical therapist’s office because you didn’t tell him they could have a flare-up. They will think your treatment didn’t work.

At the end of care when you’re talking to them about supportive care.  That you routinely want to have patients see you either twice or four times a year for the next two years after an injury. Just for some routine supportive care. Remember, you’re releasing a patient who is on consistent care with you. You don’t know how it’s going to be when they’re not with consistent care.

If they opted not to take up that recommendation, then I just reminded them that their injury causes an instability. If two months, three months, six months, a year, two years from now, the pain that they feel now starts to it starts to come back, I don’t for a minute, want you to think our care didn’t work. It worked perfectly. And doctors, if you don’t tell patients this and the pain does come back two, four, five, six months later, they think your care didn’t work. You tell them, “No, it’s not because the care didn’t work. It’s because it needs some supportive care. Come right in, right away, do an adjustment or two and let me get you right back to where you were.” Doctors, that’s what you want to talk about.

Now, the other thing that you want to talk about at that point is the fact that they have injury analysis, always. This is obviously not when you’re talking to the patient about their report. This is more into when you’re talking to the patient at the end of care that you always have a baseline of their injuries and that baseline can always be retested and that’s the beauty of a CRMA test. But doctors, what you want to do in that report is, you want to explain the fact that you want to increase their compliance and you also want to explain, “Look, this is the number one situation that most people don’t have diagnosed and when they get injured they need to have this diagnosis.”

So you want to position yourself as that doctor for their friends, their family, their coworkers, the people that they know that have chronic pain, that are in injuries, that are getting bad care because they’re working with doctors that don’t even know how to determine the severity and location of the injuries that they have. This is what makes SmartInjuryDoctors smart. This is what makes SmartInjuryDoctors competent. So it’s important to go over those things when you’re going over that CRMA report.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Practices That Train Together Gain Together

Practices That Train Together Gain Together

A basic concept in injury practices and in the injury practices that I consult is teams that train together, gain together.

One of the biggest errors I think that doctors make is they don’t realize how valuable their staff is.

But beyond that  they don’t realize how valuable their staff is in being able to get better injury results and being able to get better compliance and being able to get better referrals and being able to get better collections and being able to get everything.

When you take the time to train your staff on the things that really matter, the purpose and the goal of  your injury clinic can be achieved quickly and efficiently 

Your trained staff will help you to take patients that are injured, especially ligament injuries and have the patient come through care two months, three months, six months with the best possible results.

How long it takes is not the issue.

Your goal is for your patients to come through care and  have no pain, no problems at work, no problems in their life as a result of the injuries.

That is the mission.

That is the mission that each and every injury clinic should be  trying to achieve.

Now the team that trains together, gains together.

Doing that will lead to getting great injury results, getting great injury referrals, getting your compensation.

Training your team will lead to reducing your insurance problems or attorney problems because it is a team activity. It’s not a single activity.

If you want to learn alone and you want to train alone, you’ll succeed alone.

Being a solo act, you will have a much, much harder time with staff turnover and a lot of different things.

One of the biggest things that you can do in your injury practice is  train your people.

 “Okay, what am I training them in?”

Well, what are you trying to get from the patient in a consultation?

When you’re doing an examination?
Your staff should know exactly what you are trying to assess for.

They should know it completely.

I don’t care if they are in your billing department, your front desk, assist you with notes, or your office manager.

They should know every aspect of what you are doing.

When you do stress radiology, why are you doing stress radiology? What are you trying to find with it? What do the results mean?

Your staff should be trained on all of those components.

When they come in that first day, the first thing that any patient is going to interact with, is your staff, right?

Your patients should get the idea from the first person to the last they speak with, that this is the place where everyone is interested in me and knowledgeable about my care plan.

The more competent your staff is, the more confident in your clinic the patient is.

The more competent they are, the more helpful they are.

It is not just learning new systems.  “Hey, I’ve got this new scheduling system,” and learning how to schedule or, “I’ve got this new billing system,” and here’s how you’re going to bill. “I’ve got this new EMR system.”

It is actually training them about why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you’re trying to find with each and every thing you’re doing.

When you do a reexamination, every single member of your staff should know exactly what you’re doing and they should know exactly what that patient’s going through.

If that patient just came out of an exam and they have questions on something, and you left the room, or they are walking out and they have three or four questions, who are they going to get those questions answered from?

Your staff.

If your staff is trained, then your whole clinical operation is like a well-tuned machine.

It’s very organized and it’s very in rhythm, in sync.

People feel that.

They really do. And they experience that.

When they experience that, the experience is much better for them in your office.

So you need to train your staff.

The SmartInjuryDoctors® Program that I developed,  has as one the component of  training your staff. It is a major component.

We have checklists that go through each and every significant event that the patient is going to experience.

When you are talking to the patient about an MRI finding or you are talking to the patient about an excessive motion finding, how you express yourself matters to the patient.

How your team expresses themselves matters just as much when they’re getting asked questions about, “Why did you do this test,” or “Why did you do that test?”

It matters.

The tighter your group is and the tighter the communication is, the better the patient feels that they are in the right place.

Because when they feel that way, they get an experience that is far superior than if they are in a clinic that doesn’t.

That is what makes people refer.

That is what makes people remember.

When you’re looking at these little details and you are training your staff on these details, it makes all the difference in the world.

I know from my own personal practice of 17 years that that made a huge different for me and my clinic.

I trained my staff.  I always let them know why we were doing what we were doing.

You want to get to the point where your people can answer the questions that the patients are going to have because who are the patients spending time with?

Your staff.

Do you know what makes your clinic unique?

Does your staff know what makes your clinic unique?

If you know what makes your clinic unique, but you’re not teaching it to your staff, why are you withholding that?

Because you want to develop a clinic that is unique.

You want to start to differentiate yourself.

Then you want to train your staff on how you are different because that difference is what they will be proud of.

It is what they will be promoting.  You don’t want to withhold that.

You want to actually express it.

I cannot tell you how many times I have said, “Look, if you want this program to work you’ve got to train your staff, because it’s that impactful to your clinic, your clinic results, and your clinic growth.”

That is why in SmartInjuryDoctors®’s training program, I emphasize it so much.

Not training, on how to schedule or those things that I assume that you’re doing just fine but on the aspects of injury care and why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Your staff has to know about that.

When your staff is really good at answering the questions, you will see better results.

You will see better compliance.

You will see less problems with insurance.

And you will see more internal referrals.

Don’t underestimate the return on investment.

The return on investment is through the roof when you train your staff.

Staff training is very, very important.

In the SmartInjuryDoctors® program, it is stressed. And stressed

Thank you for your time

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

Want to learn more about Smartinjurydoctor's Program?

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Want to know more? We are happy to receive a message from you.

246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
New Richmond, WI 54017

1-800-940-6513, ext 700

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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.