Why Don’t Chiropractic Colleges Teach Standard Injury Workup?

Why Don’t Chiropractic Colleges Teach Standard Injury Workup?

Why Don’t Chiropractic Colleges Teach Standard Injury Workup?

My question is why don’t chiropractic schools in this country actually teach their students how to do a standard spinal injury evaluation?  This topic may seem a little bit controversial, but it needs to be addressed.

It not just chiropractic colleges who are remiss, it is also missing in osteopathic colleges and medical colleges. But since chiropractors are the spine specialists and trauma to the spine is the number one cause of chronic pain and disability, the market needs experts in this particular area. So why in the world would the chiropractic colleges not teach standard spinal injury assessments?

Doctors of Chiropractic are not taught how to determine the severity and location of a simple ligament injury.  They are not being taught about the fact that there are two ways to image a ligament injury, depending on what ligament is damaged.

If you have a disc herniation, you’re going to use obviously an MRI. But the fact is, there are 220 specialized ligaments that hold the spine together.

If you have damage to the supporting ligaments around the disc, shear force injuries, they cause excessive motion in the spine. That excessive motion of the spine is how you determine the severity and location of the actual ligament injuries.

If you have a C4/C5 motion unit and you have severe excessive 3.9 millimeters of translation back and forth movement, due to the supporting ligaments now being damaged due to the trauma. And at four and five we know that the fifth cervical nerve exits, we know that that would cause a possible motor problem. We would have possibly a deltoid muscle weakness. We would have the lateral side of the arm, either hyper or hypo sensitive. We want to check that dermatome so we know where the C5 dermatome is. If we knew what muscles are involved and we can test for the particular level.

For an examination procedure, we have a hypersensitivity or a hypo sensitivity at the C5 dermatome and we have a C5 muscle that’s testing weak, then we should immediately want to know, what’s the C4/C5 motion unit like? That’s the main motion unit. Could be the one above or the one below that as well. But is that damaged?

If it’s damaged, the ligaments are damaged and you’re going to see excessive motion. If there’s excessive motion, how much excessive motion is there? Is it mild, moderate or severe?

Because if we have excessive motion that causes a motor sensory or pain problem, we have in the old terms clinically a chiropractic subluxation, which means misalignment or misalignment pattern. The mismotion pattern that causes a nerve condition.

It’s also called a spinal instability in medicine, meaning excessive motion that now causes a motor sensory or pain problem.

And it’s the easiest thing in the world to do a workup on. It’s the easiest thing to image and it’s the easiest thing to standardize in injury practices across the country. But it’s not being done.

The fact is that 90% of the patients out there are in chronic pain, do not have a pathoanatomic cause.

We have experts like William Maurice, the head of the Ohio State Biodynamics Laboratory who is a leading researcher in spinal biomechanics and spinal pressures in the world. His book is called The Working Back System where he’s trying to help solve the problem of low back lumbar spine.  This is the number one cause of disability, lumbar injuries, cervical injuries are the number four and cervical injuries also lead to the number six leading cause of chronic pain and disability, which are headaches.

He cites eight out of nine, or 90% of the patients who have a low back disability, do not have an exact path though anatomic caused identified by doctors that basically are treating the patient, creating a huge expense for employers and Workers Comp., for example

One of the things that is needed in the market itself is the simple understanding of how to determine the severity and location of these ligament injuries that are so expensive to the employers. Employers should be demanding it.  

If I’m going to use a Doctor of Chiropractic, they need to know how to do a standard examination for these types of injuries.

If I’m going to use a medical doctor, or an osteopath, then they need to be able to understand, and standardly work up these injuries, because it’s the misdiagnosis or the the lack of diagnosis, that creates an environment of substandard.  

Remember, if you’re going to change something, you must get down to the cause of what it is before you’re going to get great results in changing it.

If you don’t know what the injuries are and you were not taught to standardly workup an injury, you were not taught how to determine the severity and location of a simple ligament injury.

It is not and never has been just writing a cervical sprain down on a diagnosis code.

For somebody today to say, “Well, this patient has a cervical or lumbar sprain and that’s their diagnosis.” That’s like somebody having a leg injury and having the doctor say they have a lower extremity sprain.

The first thing anybody should be asking is, “Well, where is the sprain? Where is the ligament injury? How bad is it and where is it?”

If have you had a leg sprain, you’d say, “Well, where in the leg?”

In the knee, how bad is it? Well, it’s a grade three sprain. It’s a grade three ligament problem.

This is how I identified it. This is how we imaged it. This is what we’re doing to treat it.

It is the first step to great injury results. I don’t care if you’re an employer,  a patient, or a doctor,  the first thing that has to occur in order for you to get good results is you have to identify the severity and location of the injuries.

And we have to be able to do that standardly.

Right now there are 60,000, 80,000, 90,000 chiropractors out there, my colleagues, none were trained in a one year, six month program and how to determine the severity and location of a simple ligament injury. That injury that causes the most amount of problems in the market today. So if you’re a student today at a chiropractic college, you should be asking your educators why they’re not teaching you that.

That would be like dentists coming out and not knowing how to locate the severity and location of dental decay. Of course when you go to dental school, you’re going to be able to determine the severity and location of, of dental decay of tooth decay. So why in the world would you be in a health market, in a health care educational program today, and not know how to determine the severity location of a spinal ligament injury?

It just blows my mind that that’s occurring. It occurred for me, I graduated from Palmer College one of the oldest colleges in chiropractic in the country. I graduated in 1988 and I was never trained how to do it.

 I know to this day when I asked students that are coming out of all of the chiropractic colleges and just say, “Okay, simply tell me how to determine if a ligament is damaged in the spine.” Remember the spine is the main thing that Doctors of Chiropractic deal with.

If ligament damage is the number one cause of pain and disability in the world today, how do you determine the severity and location of a patient that’s just injured their ligaments? How do you know where it is and how bad it is?

If you don’t know where and how bad, how are you going to get successful results with it? If you’re getting some successful results with it, think about how much more successful you could be if you knew the severity and location of the condition.

If all doctors were trained in it, that would change the environment in the United States.

Chiropractic, my profession is very small. When groups do research, the research of the markets about a $14 to $15 billion market. It’s a very small market. It’s like a third of 1% of the total healthcare dollars spent are spent in the profession of chiropractic.

It is very, very small. It represents less than a third of 1% of the total healthcare dollars spent. That is 14-15 billion in medicine, back problems, low back problems in 2010 we approximately $253 billion.

Medical doctors in the market today, weren’t trained either on how to determine the severity and location of a simple ligament injury. It is not occurring in the medical market either. And it needs to be occurring with every doctor.

Because the more that you understand, you will be able to accurately and swiftly know the diagnosis. Leading to the use of conservative care procedures that are highly successful for this type condition. Lessening or eliminating patients suffering from long term chronic problems that could have been prevented.

Chronic pain and problems are devastating to injury patients emotionally and financially.

It hinders their ability to work, it hinders their ability to be successful in their family, and to participate in normal activities of daily living.  

It doesn’t have to be that way. We have to get much better. We have to become Smart Injury Doctors and use accurate and objective testing for ligament injuries and diagnosis and treat quickly and with confidence.

Remember, you can’t misalign a spine. You cannot have a hyperlordotic cervical spine or reverse cervical curve, a PLRC5, without ligament damage. Therefore, you must understand about ligament damage

If you’re going to be trading in these things, particularly in the injury market, if you haven’t learned how to determine the severity and location of a simple ligament injury, that is what the Smart Injury Doctors program is for. You go to www.Smartinjurydoctor.com and you become a specialist.

We’re creating a group of doctors, chiropractic doctors, medical doctors, and osteopaths, that fully understand the urgent need for accurate objective testing and swift and accurate diagnosis.

Come in and learn about ligament injuries. We are the leading group of injury specialist.  It is where we are training doctors to have that level of understanding.

You should have been educated in this deep understanding in your basic training, so should’ve I, but unfortunately,  it’s not there.

We must get it outside of our formal education.

Become a Smart Injury Doctor and lead the way into the future of injury care.

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701 Richards Ave
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The Three Skill Sets You Must Have to Build a Successful PI Practice Today

The Three Skill Sets You Must Have to Build a Successful PI Practice Today

What are the three things as an injury practice business owner do you need to do exceptionally well in order to truly expand in the injury market and do it so that it’s easy? So that it’s not so stressful?

There are three basic skill sets that you must have. I’m going to lay those skill sets out today. They’re very simple.

The first skill set is that you, as a clinician, must be extremely good at what you do. You must be able to do a few things well.

  • You must be able to diagnose all of the injuries that the patient has. And you can’t miss injuries and simple ligament injuries. You must understand that there is a disc herniation and then there is excessive motion. You must understand picking up both findings so that you can determine easily the severity and location of any ligament injury that the patient has. You must be able to diagnose these things incredibly well.
  • Then you must be able to treat them incredibly well.  The first thing to treatment and treatment results is really having a sound understanding \ of what the underlying condition is that you are treating. The better you understand the underlying condition, the better your treatment results are going to be. You must be able to diagnose well, and you have to be able to treat well.

And today in the injury market, you’re in a medico-legal situation. You must document well.

  • Your documentation determines the benefits that the patient is going to be able to have access to and potentially get.
  • Your documentation determines whether the plaintiff attorney has a hard time or not.
  • Your documentation determines whether the defense attorney has a hard time or not.
  • Your documentation depends whether the insurer has a hard time or not.

You must be able to express yourself simply when in a deposition or a court trial setting.

  • You, as a doctor, must be able to diagnose all the injuries the patient has.
  • You must be able to get great treatment results with these conditions on a regular basis. And I mean great treatment results.

If a patient that goes through your treatment program, no matter how long it takes, they should not have chronic pain, any activities of daily living disorders, duties under duress, or loss of enjoyment of life factors.

If you can do this with a high degree of confidence and a high degree of predictability and routinely with patients, that’s step number one in your business because you are the person that produces the product and results of an injury clinic.

The second biggest thing that you must have is a well-trained team. Your team is super, super important and training your team is one of the highest returns on investment activities that you can actually do.

Everyone trains their staff, everyone trains the front desk staff how to answer the phone, the billing person how to code for bills, how to send out and make phone calls to insurance adjusters, and to follow up on denials. Everyone trains their staff to help your patient fill out the paperwork correctly ,how to route the patient to the room correctly, or how to schedule the patient correctly. Those are all routine things. That’s not what I’m talking about here. What I’m talking about now is the ability to train your staff to answer questions about the injury work that you do, as good or better than you do. When I say better, sometimes the staff are better because they’re simpler and they put things in layman’s terms much.

  • Your staff needs to understand what a patient is going through. They need to understand the reality of the patient, whether it’s day one, which is one of your most important visits.
  • What is that patient going through?
  • When they first get into your clinic, what is the experience that they’re going to go through? What’s the experience with the first phone call?
  • Routing them in, filling out your paperwork, gathering their insurance information,
  • Introducing you, the doctor in their first visit.
  • Your consultation, examination procedures,
  • Imaging procedures of you do them internally.
  • Treatment procedures.
  • Information that you provide them with to take home.
  • How they are rescheduled.

Every person in your staff needs to understand the high points of what needs to get communicated in each one of the visits.

  • If you or your staff do not understand, or  you don’t have a team around, you’re seriously cutting the number of referrals you can get;
  • you’re seriously cutting the amount of the reduction of problems that you would have with reimbursement;
  • You’re seriously cutting down the results that you can get with the patients as far as their physical results;
  • You are cutting down a lot of things that simply don’t need to be cut down.

Training your staff is one of the most important things you can do but training them specifically in what makes you unique as an injury provider is even more important. When patients leave the room and walk down the hall and suddenly have more questions, if they can’t go to anybody in your clinic and ask and get a great answer to the question, you’re seriously losing money, results, and causing yourself a lot unnecessary of stress. That’s simply because you haven’t trained your staff.

The doctor also must be able to market. Marketing is nothing more than determining how you want to be perceived in the market.

  • You must ask yourself how you want to be perceived in the market? You want to be perceived as the best doctor a patient can go to.
  • And what does that mean? It means that you are fast, effective, you don’t miss things, make the rehabilitation very easy and simple to understand, and you get great results.
  • You document so that anyone that the patient is involved with, from a plaintiff attorney, defense attorney, their insurance carriers, to their state work comp carriers, has a lot easier time with it.

That’s how you want to be perceived. I want to be perceived as somebody who doesn’t miss injuries. If I’m going out to attorneys, I want to be perceived as somebody who documents so incredibly well that it makes their life super, super easy. If I want to be looked at by insurers, I want to be looked at somebody that’s honest, ethical, and highly professional. That’s how I want to be looked at. That is called a marketing strategy. Deciding how you want to appear to your market.

A marketing plan is deciding how you want to get that perception out to your community. Advertising is where you put that message on paid or unpaid communication lines. A paid communication line might be a radio commercial or a TV commercial, or you might do some sort of a newspaper ad. You might be doing all kinds of social media posts. You might be sending newsletters out to your patients, past and present. You need to communicate to your patient base on a regular basis. That’s called marketing.

When you accomplish these three things, it becomes very easy to expand. It’s easy to put associates in behind you. It’s easy to bring in new, well trained staff and retrain staff. If you understand how you want to be perceived and you’re putting that perception in the market, you’ve got it made in the injury market. And the injury market, in my personal and my professional experience, is the most fun market to be involved in because it’s a very high purpose game.

Patients that are injured have a 50/50 chance of never fully recovering, so they need the best doctors to be treating them. And that’s what made that game super, super fun for me because I wanted to be that doctor.

I run a program called the SmartInjuryDoctors programs and that’s why doctors are attracted to the program because that’s what they want to be. Marketing does one really neat thing; it repels what you don’t want, and it attracts what you do want.

You must decide professionally what you want to be in, how you want to be perceived. Because once you make that decision and once you start going down to that path, you will attract what you want to attract. Right now, if you’re getting things that you don’t like, you need to look at how you’re being perceived and what you’re putting out because that’s what you’re attracting. I like to always work with high level people. That’s what I like to work with, and I think you will too.

The three components of your business are you, your staff, and marketing. They are key things to being able to grow your injury practice now and for the next decade or decades to come.

For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at http://www.smartinjurydoctor.comor check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.

For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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701 Richards Ave
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[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Warning: American Family Doctors Publication Shows 90% of Back Injuries Are Improperly Diagnosed

Warning: American Family Doctors Publication Shows 90% of Back Injuries Are Improperly Diagnosed

Warning: American Family Doctors Publication Shows 90% of Back Injuries Are Improperly Diagnosed

In this article we want to discuss an article that was published in the American Family Physicians Journal. This article brings up a topic that I’ve been talking about for years. And it’s only gotten worse. This article claims that 90% of today’s injured patients who’ve suffered a back or neck injury are working with doctors who do not have a clear understanding of their injuries. Wait, it gets even worse.

There’s A Familiar Lack of Understanding Present in This Article

These same doctors are unable to find the underlying physical conditions of these injuries at a time when these back and neck injuries have never been easier to diagnose. We’ve gone over this before and I am not going to go into depth in this article abut the role that an MRI and stress radiological studies play in picking up the two key bio imaging markers for these injured patients. These injuries account for:
  • #1 Cause of disability and chronic pain: Lumbar Spine Injury
  • #4 Cause of disability and chronic pain: Neck Injuries
  • #6 Cause of disability and chronic pain: Headaches associated with an injury to the ligament of the cranio-cervical junction or the cervical spine itself
I want to go over this with you in detail. I’ll put a link to the article here which appears on the American Family Physician website. The article we’re going to break down is the one called “Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Returning to Work” You can open it up and follow along with me.

I’m going to point out some things that are very prevalent in the market today and this is exactly what needs to change.

It says that as many as 90% of persons with occupational non-specific low back pain are able to return to work in a relatively short period of time. Now, I’m going to contest this point and quite a few other things in this article. You see, this position paper is a telltale sign of today’s market and it’s pushing the agenda that if there are no red flags with a patient, we as doctors can get them back to work quickly.

What are these red flags, you ask?

  • Infections
  • Fractures
  • Cauda Equina Syndrome
If one of these isn’t present a patient should be encouraged to remain as active as possible. We should minimize bed rest. It states that we should advocate the use of hot and cold compresses to minimize swelling and tell patients to take anti-inflammatory medications as desired.

What this article is telling doctors to do…

These patients need to take part in home exercises and be returned to work as soon as possible. Medical and surgical interventions should be minimized when abnormalities are not found in physical examinations. Patients who are having difficulty returning to work after four to six weeks should be examined and studied for possible personal and occupational psychosocial factors. A multidisciplinary program should be strongly considered to prevent a delayed recovery in those patients struggling to return to normal baseline activities and pain levels. One of the biggest problems I see with delayed recovery is that it is often the result of a delay of an accurate diagnosis of what the problem is in the first place. This article rightly points out that these medical doctors openly admit that they do not know what the underlying pathology is as you’ll see here. So, it goes on to say that patient advocacy should include unnecessary and ineffective medical and surgical interventions, work loss, joblessness, and chronic disabilities. The next thing the article states is that the management of low back pain and determining a patient’s safe return to work are common issues encountered by family physicians today.

Challenges include unfamiliarity with:

  • A patient’s individual job demands and requirements
  • Complex Workers’ Compensation systems
  • The vast array of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions of questionable effectiveness and value
The medical doctors in this article are actually openly admitting that most of the diagnostic and therapeutic interventions they order have questionable effectiveness and value when it comes to treating and diagnosing these injured patients.

Clearly, the object of this article is to encourage a plan of conservative care.

What is conservative care?
  • Physical Therapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
This is what most family doctors follow when they talk about following a conservative care path for their injured patients with occupational low back pain. This article throws around a lot of terms, so let’s take a moment and define one of them. Occupational nonspecific low back pain is pain that occurs predominantly in the lower back without neurological involvement or serious pathology. Let’s be real here, okay?

What they are basically promoting in this article is an early return to work for injured patients. And that right there is a huge part of the problem.

It says that according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics that there were 4.2 million non-fatal occupational injuries or illnesses reported by private industry. Sprains and strains accounted for approximately 42% of the injuries. So, as doctors they need to understand that when we look at the number of injuries, those involving the back is number one. It’s the number one cause of chronic pain and disability in the world today. And if you remember as I stated earlier the next is number four. That’s a huge number of our injured workers. So, sprains and to the back and neck are going to require doctors in the market who understand what a bio imaging marker looks like in an injured patient with neck or back complaints. Meaning, you will no longer have patients walking around with an incorrect diagnosis of nonspecific mechanical low back pain.

The Role of Risk Factors in Diagnosing These Injuries

This article goes on to attribute the cause of this nonspecific low back pain to certain risk factors. That’s because these doctors will openly tell you that they have no way of accurately diagnosing these patients. In general, medical doctors cannot clearly identify the cause of this pain in 90% of the patients they see. Now, when I say medical doctor, I’m talking about general practitioners. Now, it goes on to say that some physical demands including manual lifting, bending, twisting, and whole-body vibration are associated with an increased likelihood of low back pain. Please note: Association is not equivalent to causation. It should also be noted that personal and occupational psychosocial variables play a more important role in spinal pathology than just the physical demands of the job.

And that’s where it can get kind of tricky…

They openly admit they don’t know the cause of this low back pain, yet in a sentence or two later they are saying there’s strong evidence that personal or occupational psychosocial variables play a more important role in these injuries than the spinal pathology itself. Now, that my fellow doctors… Could not be further from the truth.

Let’s look at what they list as psychosocial risk factors:

  • Depression: Well I would argue that anybody who suffers from chronic pain and cannot get help from the medical community might exhibit signs of depression. Especially in an active person who cannot find relief or understanding from a doctor who understands their condition.
  • Education Level: This is an understanding and belief that those with lower education levels are more prone to chronic disabilities. Again, what does someone’s education level have to do with an injury. Isn’t more likely the case that a doctor who cannot solve a problem with an accurate diagnosis is likely to blame a patient’s lack of education as the basis for the patient himself not understanding their own injury?
  • Excessive Pain: Well, if you are in constant pain and the medical community is not offering relief, over time this can build up. Is there anyone who wouldn’t say that this amount of chronic pain would be classified as excessive?
  • Fear Avoidance: If you are suffering and unable to find anyone to help you, it’s fair to say that you would fear returning to the same position that caused you pain. That’s a totally legitimate concern. That’s not something I would classify as fear avoidance or job dissatisfaction.
  • Somatization disorder: That is when you are putting too much attention on a condition. Si, again if the doctor cannot figure out what the problem is, if they cannot get to the underlying problem that is going to cause you some obvious distress. It would be hard to imagine a condition like this not dominating your life. So, this talk of “putting too much attention” on this condition seems to be unfair from the patient’s point of view.
  • Unemployment Compensation: What does this have to do with a medical condition? If you’re unemployed and trying to get money to live on from an employer whose job caused your injury, I do not see how that causes pain. I would say it’s the same thing with workers’ compensation claims. It’s not fair to say that legitimately injured patients are trying to distort their injuries just to receive some compensation.
All these issues are problematic when you consider what is really going on.

There is no standardized method of diagnosing these injuries.

Even my own profession of chiropractic is problematic. They have not and are unlikely to standardize the workup of these injuries. The major chiropractic schools don’t even teach bio imaging markers that are consistent with soft-tissue injury to the spine. So then, this becomes the problem that all professions have: physical therapy, chiropractic, Medical doctors, medical specialists. They all have the same problem. No knowledge of what is going on with these types of injuries and no way to consistently diagnose them. This is why SmartInjuryDoctors are so important in the market today. I hope that what I just laid out for you is something that you enjoyed because 90% of the patients suffering from back and neck injury should not be working with any doctor who is incapable of diagnosing the underlying condition. Most of these doctors, no matter what their specialty are just making the same mistakes over and over. They end up relying on articles like this one to justify their rush to return patients to the work force. Patients who are still injured and still in pain.

That is what I am trying so hard to change.

With these articles, my podcasts, my videos…I’m trying to reach doctors wherever they are and show them a better way of doing things. That’s what the SmartInjuryDoctors Program is all about. We need the injury market to change because the patients deserve to work with doctors who not only care, but doctors who can get real results. For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher. For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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1-800-940-6513, ext 700

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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.




What I want to talk about today is what is a spinal instability? It seems like there’s all this information out there about spinal instabilities. And matter of fact, I did a video on spinal instabilities six years ago, put it out on YouTube, and it was one of 245 siting’s of spinal instability at that time. I thought it was absolutely crazy that there was not more information on simple spinal instability and understanding that it was the number one cause of chronic pain and disability in the world today.

Spinal Instability Is a Clinical Entity

Obviously, if I fracture your spine and your spinal cord was about to be severed, you would have catastrophic spinal instability. These types of cases would end up in the operating room that day. So, we’re not talking about catastrophic spinal instability due to fractures. What we’re talking about here is spinal instability due to ligament damage.

Spinal instability by definition is excessive motion to the spine. The spine is designed to actually move in very specific, very minute movement patterns that all combine together. It’s both very complex, but very simple at the same time. The thing that holds all these spinal components, all these bones and joints in the right location for that movement pattern are the ligaments. When the ligaments are damaged, there’s excessive motion. It’s that excessive motion which allows the spine to now move in a way that it was not designed to move, which can irritate the nerve, which can cause pain and inflammation.

It Takes More Than Just an X-Ray or MRI

It’s not something that you pick up on an x-ray or on an MRI alone. It’s an entity that you pick up when you detect evidence of excessive motion. The best test for excessive motion is the flexion-extension x-ray. This is a stress radiology and a very accurate measurement of what are called translation and angular patterns. Remember, the spine can move back and forth. When it moves, that’s called a translation pattern. It also angles when it moves, that’s called an angular pattern. So, we can have abnormal translation or abnormal angulation patterns. The more abnormal the pattern is, the more ligament damage there was.

These Types of Patterns Are Not Picked Up On MRI

They’re picked up on stress radiology. They’re picked up on standard x-rays. Standard digital x-rays are the best primary imaging tool to detect this. They’re very inexpensive and very easy to do. When providers get imaging done, when medical doctors get imaging done, they rely on radiologists to read those images or to measure those images. Osteopaths, same thing. Physical therapists, same thing. Chiropractors sometimes try to do this themselves.

Doctors Can Only Be Good at So Many Things

It’s highly recommended, especially in the spinal injury market that this be done independent of the doctor. In the injury market, we want doctors to be very good at treating injuries, not necessarily great at doing all the radiology studies or all the imaging studies that are possibly out there. You can’t be all and everything in the market.

Essentially, a spinal instability is very easy. It’s excessive motion. If you have excessive motion that causes a motor problem with the nerve, (In other words, something’s not able to function now. For example, I can’t move my arm as well. I’m not as strong with the muscle.) that’s a motor problem.

Each spinal level has a motor nerve associated with it which can be tested. So, the doctor’s task is to perform a motor challenge. Different types of muscle tasks for each level to see if that muscle group is strong on both sides. We also have sensory tests. When you have a nerve, there’s a motor component, there’s a sensory component, and there’s a visceral component to it. The motor is making things move. The sensory is sensing things so the body can make control adjustments. And the actual visceral is helping the body’s organs function better. All nerves have these three capacities.

The Two Things Needed to Diagnose Spinal Instability

As I said before, spinal instability is a clinical entity. It means that you have excessive motion on an imaging study that’s now causing a motor sensory or pain problem at that level. So, you have to have two things. You have to have imaging. And you have to have a doctor who knows how to do a correct spinal instability exam. Not all that common today. So, we have to grow doctors that know how to do this very simple exam procedure. It’s a very simple procedure, but not a lot of doctors do it currently in the market and it should be done every single day. Any injury patient should have this done right away.

Once you have a spinal instability, how do you get rid of it?

Well, you treat it. The ligaments have already been damaged. There’s already excessive motion. So, are you going to treat the excessive motion and make that go away? No, that’s generally permanent. But the motor, sensory, or pain problems are not permanent. They can be transient based on the care. So, the care is gaged at rehabilitating the function of the nerve to not cause pain, not lose power or force as in a motor deficit, or to regain its ability to sense. A spinal instability is no longer a spinal instability when the patient becomes asymptomatic. That’s what good doctors are trying to achieve with their patients, be asymptomatic. Really good injury doctors can actually treat spinal instability very, very well.

The good injury doctor also knows that spinal instability is the number one cause of chronic pain and has often been the thing that is most undiagnosed in chronic pain patients. Every patient knows and everyone in the market knows that if you don’t have a proper diagnosis for the condition, (I don’t care if you have cancer, diabetes, spinal pain. No matter what the condition is, if the doctor is not diagnosing it correctly) the chances of getting help are very slim.

It’s Not as Confusing as Many Think, We Just Need More Informed Providers

We need a lot more doctors in my Smart Injury Doctors program and Smart Injury Lawyers program. Throughout the country, we are teaching doctors and lawyers exactly how these procedures should be done so that they can understand exactly how and what a spinal injury patient needs.

For the chiropractic community, a spinal instability is what a spinal subluxation was and is. Today, there’s so much confusion in the chiropractic market around terminology, and subluxation is a great example of that:

  • Do we treat a subluxation or not?
  • Is it a “bad” or “good” word?

I look at it and say, “Look, a spinal subluxation has always been and has always been defined as a vertebra that’s either misaligned through mal static position or mal motion that causes nerve interference.”

It’s a misalignment either in position or in motion that causes nerve interference. The nerve has these three things:

  • Motor
  • Sensory
  • Visceral

A spinal subluxation is identical to a spinal instability. There is no difference. So, anybody that says, “Well, I’m having a hard time. I don’t understand spinal subluxation,” definitely doesn’t understand spinal instability because they’re the same. They’re identical.

This is the number one cause of chronic pain and disability in the world today and we need a lot more professionals that understand this very simple procedure.

It’s simple to diagnose, it’s simple to evaluate, and it’s very simple to treat. The key to it obviously, as with any condition is early detection. Which leads to early proper treatment that leads to much better outcomes. That’s what we need in the market today. Register for our next Webinar to discover more about diagnosing spinal ligament injuries.

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

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Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

Medical Radiologists Can Provide Objective Impairment Findings

Medical Radiologists Can Provide Objective Impairment Findings

Medical Radiologists Can Provide Objective Impairment Findings

Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis (CRMA) is a procedure that our Board Certified Medical Radiologists perform which brings motion analysis to static x-rays. Our Radiologists can now provide this motion analysis in order to accurately quantify Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI), AMA Permanent Impairment Guides 5th Edition Page 378-379. With CRMA technology these Specialized X-Rays (Called Dynamic Stress X-rays) reveal some of the most serious impairments found in spinal injuries today. For example in the cervical spine the CRMA is a process of measuring these injuries in two aspects, first in TRANSLATION (back and forth slippage) which should not exceed 3.5mm and second, ANGULATION (anterior wedging) which should not be greater than 11° that are being performed on neutral/flexion/extension standard X-Rays. Measurements exceeding these values are considered permanent injuries as establish by AMA and DRE table 15-5. CRMA procedure captures, measures and quantifies the intervertebral motion in stress x-rays that is due to ligament sub-failure injuries that produces a significant condition called ligament laxity (728.4). These often serious spinal injuries are detected as excessive translation and angulation patterns in the spinal motion units. The resultant spinal instabilities, can be permanent painful and progressive if left undiagnosed. CRMA procedures provided by trained professionals that are not involved in the treatment of the patient is a way that provides Unbiased, Objective, Accurate Quantification of these significant connective tissue injuries that are all too commonly missed. THIS OBJECTIVE QUANTIFICATION IS A KEY FACTOR IN SPINAL INJURY CASES. Spinal Ligament Damage: Ligament damage to the spine is demonstrated by abnormal translation and angular patterns of the spinal motion units. These serious injuries are accurately measured and then correlated directly to the AMA Guides for AOMSI, (AMA 5th Edition Page 378-379). These unbiased objective services provided by highly trained Board Certified Medical Radiologist’s can quantify these spinal ligament injuries in the 4th, 5th or 6th edition of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. No one needs to miss these serious findings any more. For more information regarding these services simply go to www.spinal-kinetics.com  

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.

The Question Doctors Can’t Answer Regarding Spinal Ligament Injuries?

The Question Doctors Can’t Answer Regarding Spinal Ligament Injuries?

The Question Doctors Can’t Answer Regarding Spinal Ligament Injuries?

Spinal ligament injuries are the number one cause of pain and disability in the world today. Patients can become involved in many different kinds of mechanisms capable of causing a spinal ligament injury, such as work related injuries, car collisions, sports collisions, slip and fall, domestic violence, war, to name a few. The video below takes one mechanism (Whiplash from Car Collisions) and shows the dismal statistics that result from patients being treated for these injuries. These unfortunately are the statistics of our doctors today. Why would these statistics be so bad when we are supposed to have the worlds best healthcare system? Perhaps the answer to this question is so simple that it has been overlooked. What is perhaps the most important question that most doctors that treat these spinal ligament injuries cannot answer? The answer when I share it will make it self evident why we today have such poor patient outcomes from such a simple injury. The most important question that the majority of doctors that treat these spinal injury patients simply cannot answer is: “where exactly is the spinal ligament injury and how bad is it”? If a doctor does not know the exact location and severity of a injury, how in the world can we expect the patient to have a optimal outcome with their treatment? This then becomes a very important question that any treating provider had ought to be able to answer right away! It is not enough today to simply say that the patient has injured their neck (#4 Cause of Disability Worldwide) or their lower back (#1 Cause of Disability Worldwide), or to simply say that they have sprained these areas. This tells us nothing as it is not specific enough. Todays doctors need to be able to tell us what spinal motion units are involved, and how bad is it? Today there are specialized radiologists that can help doctors to determine the severity and location of these spinal ligament injuries through the use of Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis. I recently wrote an article on it called: Today’s Radiologists Can Help Doctors Accurately Determine the Severity of Spinal Ligament Injuries. Today no doctor should be treating these conditions without this type of information, as it puts the patient at risk for less than optimal recoveries and I believe it can put the doctor at risk for malpractice if the patient experiences an adverse response to their treatment. This is precisely why I developed a online education program that any doctor can take in order to become more competent with these kinds of injuries. This educational program can be found at www.smartinjuryeducation.com Patients deserve the best and that’s what we as their doctors need to bring to them.  

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246 Tierney Drive, Suite 1,
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Smart Injury Doctors
701 Richards Ave
Clearwater Florida 33755

[email protected]
Call Lee Ann at 1-800-940-6513, ext 700


© 2019 Biocybernetics Inc.